Southern Illinois Interscholastic Athletic Contest program

This brochure contains the roster of participants and the order of track and field events for the seventh Southern Illinois Interscholastic athletic contest held in Carbondale, Illinois.
This brochure contains the roster of participants and the order of track and field events for the seventh Southern Illinois Interscholastic athletic contest held in Carbondale, Illinois.
This bulletin for the Mt. Vernon First Methodist Episcopal Church advertises prayer meetings and worship services at the church, including the congregation's Christmas Sunday service on December 22, 1918.
This is a reproduced image of opera singer Mary Garden as Salome.
This is a concert program for a performance Marguerite Namara and Allen Tanner gave to raise money for the Permanent Blind Relief War Fund for the Soldiers and Sailors of the Allies.
In this newspaper clipping, Hanna Butler, prima donna of the Auditorium Hotel, offers advice for how singers can test their tone using their thumb.
This program is for Polish pianist Ignacy Jan Paderewski's recital at Orchestra Hall in Chicago in 1916.
This is the cover of a program for a concert to support the Permanent Blind Relief War Fund for the Soldiers and Sailors of the Allies.
"Tissie" writes to Esther Windust and describes Esther's godson, work, and the impending visit of Willie Hawkswolte.
Laura Windust writes Esther Windust a letter of sympathy in regards on the death of Piet.
Countess Constance Wachtmeister offers condolence to Mrs. Esther Windust after Piet's death.
Countess Constance Wachtmeister writes Mrs. Esther Windust and discuses photos of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and describes a successful speaking engagement in Edinburgh.
The Independent Theosophical League creates this pamphlet to outline policies and positions as well as discuss the reasons to form of an Independent Section of the Theosophical League.
William Rose Benét writes two letters to Lawton Mackall: the first promises poems and includes a drawing; the second explains Benét's plans to travel for ten days.
Writer and poet William Rose Benét writes to Lawton Mackall, asking him to contribute to a one-off literary magazine called The Chimaera.
George R. Mead writes to Esther Windust, offering his sympathy for the recent death of an unspecified man named Piet.
Laura Benét writes this essay, titled "Poets in Embryo," on growing up in a literary household and how it influenced her and her brothers' interests in writing.
Horatio Collins King (Class of 1858) shares with Luther R. Marsh thoughts on aging.
Horatio Collins King (Class of 1858) shares a poem with Luther R. Marsh to celebrate his 88th birthday.
Esther H. King writes to Whitelaw Saunders regarding her late husband, Horatio Collins King.
Professor Montgomery Porter Sellers writes to Augustine Birrell, the Chief Secretary for Ireland, and describes an observance of "Nisbet Day" that morning at Dickinson College, explains how Charles Nisbet became the first President of Dickinson, a
Professor Montgomery Porter Sellers ('93) writes to Augustine Birrell, the Chief Secretary for Ireland, about Birrell’s claim in his book, Life of William Hazlitt, that “the presidency of [Dickinson] College” was offered to Hazlitt in 178
Medal of Honor Recipient Horatio Collins King (Class of 1858) writes this "Poem" on the history of Dickinson College.
Horatio Collins King writes from Brooklyn to Mrs. Albert M. Smith in Middletown, Connecticut, and agrees to send autographs from General Daniel Sickles and General Grenville M. Dodge, the latter a Corps Commander in the Western Army.
Medal of Honor Recipient Horatio Collins King (Class of 1858) drafts a letter to President William H. Taft, disagreeing with Taft on the future of the Progressive Party.
Medal of Honor recipient Horatio Collins King (Class of 1858) writes a five-page composition entitled "Reminiscences" in pencil. He discusses his Dickinson College experience and includes notes of planned citations from his journal.