Class of 1998 Corkscrew, 1998
A corkscrew made of black plastic with a red plastic sheath printed with "Dickinson College Class of 1998 Senior Class Gift Drive" and Dickinson's 225th anniversary logo in black.
A corkscrew made of black plastic with a red plastic sheath printed with "Dickinson College Class of 1998 Senior Class Gift Drive" and Dickinson's 225th anniversary logo in black.
A red plastic frisbee with "Dickinson College Class of 1993" printed in black across the surface. This was distributed at the Class of 1993's 5th year reunion.
A round white metal button with Dickinson's 225th anniversary red and white logo of Old West with "Science at Dickinson 1-800-644-1773" in red below it.
A round white metal button with the college's compass rose insignia and "Science at Dickinson" in red.
Two round white metal pins with the image of West College in red and the text "Dickinson 1773-1998 Celebrating 225 Years" in white and black.
A flat white magnet with a black window design, printed with "Dickinson Alumni Weekend, June 11-13, 1999, 1-800-543-3809" in red.
Three teal and white round metal buttons with "1991, Metzger-Conway Series, October 16-18" in white and grey.
A navy blue long sleeved Greek letter T-shirt. Beta Theta Pi letters in gold across the front of the chest. The initials "J. D." are stitched into the back of the shirt. This Russel Athletic shirt, size large, belonged to John Dunlap.
Clear decal printed with "Dickinson College" and the logo of West College in red for Dickinson College's 225th anniversary, donated by Wilbur Gobrecht in 2012.
White t-shirt from first English 404 senior experience as part of new English major. Printed with quotes about writing.
Plaque presented by Dickinson College to the winners of the Jimmy Carter Service Leadership Award between the years 1996-2007.
Plaque presented by Dickinson College to the winners of the Sophomore Class Leadership Award between the years 1994-2007.
Plaque presented by Dickinson College to the winners of the Outstanding Organization Award between the years 1994-2007.
Plaque presented by Dickinson College to the winners of the Freshman Class Leadership Award between the years 1994-2007.
Plaque presented by Dickinson College to the winners of the Campus Media Award between the years 1994-2007.
Grand Award plaque presented to Dickinson College by the Masonry Contractors Association of Central Pennsylvania for their work on the Waidner Library.
Plaque presented by Dickinson College to the winners of the Arts Award between the years 1994-2007.
Plaque presented by Dickinson College to the winners of the Community Service Award between the years 1994-2007.
Plaque presented to individuals and groups who were winners of the Diversity Education Award between the years 1994-1997.
Plaque presented to various members of the Junior class between the years 1994-2007 by Dickinson College.
Plaque presented by Dickinson College to the winners of the Senior Class Leadership Award between the years 1994-2007.
Plaque presented by Dickinson College to the winners of the Educational Program Award between the years 1994-1999.
Plaque presented by Dickinson College to the winners of the Athletics Leadership Award between the years 1994-1999.
Plaque presented by Dickinson College to the winners of the Outstanding Event Award between the years 1994-2007.
White cotton t-shirt printed with purple Women’s Studies Department logo. Distributed to Women’s Studies graduates from 1992-2008.