Delta Nu Pledge Class Paddle, 1995

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00882
Reading Room 6

The Delta Nu Pledge Class Paddle for 1995 is made out of wood.  Attached to the handle is a green chord but the handle itself is white with the year "1995" in light green lettering surrounded by dark green ivy.  The paddle itself is a rainbow going in reverse order.  At the top off the paddle is a purple octopus holding a light blue flag with "FALL PLEDGE CLASS" and it is also holding a black infinity sign.  Below the octopus is the Greek letters for the sorority but between them is a yellow rose.  At the very bottom of the paddle is a black cauldron with a pig, enguin, rabbit, and a duck inside.  In the front of the cauldron is a lamb and a chick.  Behind the cauldron in the center is a bear - to the left of the bear is an elephant and to the right of the bear is Mufasa from The Lion King.


Phi Epsilon Pi Pledge Class Paddle, 1991

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00880
Reading Room 6 (housed with AC 00876, AC 00875, & AC 00873)

The Phi Epsilon Pi Pledge Class Paddle for 1991 is made of wood.  At the top of the paddle is the fraternity house with two (2) trees - one on either side below that  is the Greek letters in red for the fraternity.  Just below the letters is a white ribbon with "Fall '91" written in green lettering.  Underneath the white ribbon and a bit of yellow is "KAI PETE" in black lettering with below that is "NATURAL WOOD SMOKED" in black lettering.  The words "NET WT. 1.00" in black lettering is a bit lower than the previous words and just underneath is a UPC barcode in black. 


Phi Epsilon Pi Little/Big Brother Paddle, 1990

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00877
Shelf 12 (housed with AC 00872, AC 00881, AC 00879, & AC 0878)

The Phi Epsilon Pi Little/Big Brother Paddle is made out of wood and in the shape of a foosball player with a silver, white, purple, and gold theme. On the face of the foosball player is silver side-swept hair and the face is made to look like a skull. The uniform of the player is a white shirt, purple pants, silver knee-high socks.  On the shirt is the Greek letters in gold and "If the dead played foos..." in black lettering. Written on the pants in white lettering is "To Big Brother Paul from Little Brother Chuck".


Phi Epsilon Pi Little/Big Brother Paddle, 1996

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00881
Shelf 12 (housed with AC 00872, AC 00879, AC 00877, & AC 0878)
The Phi Epsilon Pi Little/Big Brother Paddle is made out of wood and is in the shape of a guitar. The text painted on the paddle reads: "Some times the songs that we sing are just songs of our own......." and "To Big Bro Paul From Little Bro Jon."

Dickinson College 45th Reunion Hat, 1999

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00870
Reading Room Shelf 1 (housed with AC 00851, AC 00858, AC 00859, and AC 00860)

The hat, which is made out of red polyester, is for the Class of 1954's 45th Reunion in June 1999.  In the first row on the front of the hat is "Dickinson College" embroidered, in the next line is "1954 D 1999", and in the final row are the words "45th Reunion, June 11 - 13".

Trophy, 1996

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00618
Shelf 36

A black and gold plastic trophy from the Pennsylvania State Individual Events Championships Sweepstakes. On the base is a black plaque with text engraved in gold that reads "1996 PENNSYLVANIA INDIVIDUAL EVENTS CHAMPIONSHIPS SWEEPSTAKES SIXTH PLACE". Attached to the base are two black and gold columns and a gold "96". Above that stands another base with three figures on top, two are small eagles and the center figurine is a large winged victory figure.


Trophy, 1998

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00617
Shelf 36

A black and gold plastic and wood trophy for the Pennsylvania State Individual Events Association Sweepstakes. On the wood base is a black plaque with the text "PENNSYLVANIA STATE INDIVIDUAL EVENTS ASSOCIATION SWEEPSTAKES SIXTH PLACE" engraved in gold. A gold plaque mounted on the base with the text "1998 STATE CHAMPIONSHIP" in black within the outline of the state of Pennsylvania, in between two black and gold columns holding up another wooden base with figurines attached to the top. Two of the gold plastic figurines are small eagles, one with a wing missing, and the one large figurine in the center is a winged victory figure with a wreath.


Class of 1948 Friendship Quilt, 1993

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00798
RR 08 (housed with AC 00518-519, AC 00676, AC 00800, AC 00797)

A large rectangular red and white quilt made by Regina Vath Smythe from cloth patches signed by the attendees of the 50th Reunion for the Class of 1948. Across the center of the quilt reads “DICKINSON CLASS OF ‘48” in red letters. Around the center there is a border made up of the signed patches.


Weiss Christmas Ornament, 1994

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00726
Shelf 25 (housed with AC 00725 and 00727)

A 2-D porcelain Christmas ornament with the façade of Weiss painted on the front. The ornament comes with an information card.


Class of 1994 T-Shirt, 1999

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00546
Shelf 20 (housed with AC 00545)

A white XL cotton t-shirt with a “D” & ’94 printed in red & black on the back and “Dickinson College, class of 1994, 5th reunion, June 11-13, 1999” printed on the front in black.


Coterie of the Quill Rune Stone, 1995

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00524
Shelf 18 (housed with 00522-00527)

 A polished purple semi-precious rune stone left blank as the symbol for the unknowable or destiny, worn by members of the Coterie of the Quill to identify themselves as members of the group. The stone was accompanied by a handwritten note 'Coterie of the Quill, Rune 1995-1996, members bought runes to make necklaces - this is the blank rune called the "unknowable" and it is the rune of destiny.' and a photocopied worksheet explaining the different Viking rune symbols. 


Appointment Book, 1990

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00514
Shelf 18 (housed with AC 00483, AC 00515, AC 00537)

A Black-bound appointment book, gold-embossed with college seal and text “Metropolitan Diary 1990, The John Dickinson Society, Dickinson College.”
