Carlisle Bi-Centennial Bowl, 1951

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 2012.6_8
Shelf 34

A white bowl with scalloped edges and a gold trim. In the center of the bowl is an illustration in red of the gate that leads across the academic quad to Old West. On the reverse side there is text in red on the bottom of the bowl that reads "Cumberland-Carlisle Bi-Centenial 1751 1951 made expressly for Carlisle.  Penna Musical Arts Club first edition". This object belonged to Velva Diven Daihl, class of 1927. 

Pewter Platter with College Seal

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 2012.6_10
Shelf 34

A silver pewter metal plate with scalloped edges and a pewter replica of the college seal placed off center on the bottom of the plate. The manufactorer's mark is stamped on the back of the plate. This object belonged to Velva Diven Daihl, class of 1927. 


Romeo and Juliet Tray, 1895

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 2002.8_9
Shelf 33 (Box 3)

A long white rectangular tray with hand painted gold details around the edge of the tray and a hand painted design of Romeo and Juliet, a sword, a question mark, and the text "Romeo and Juliet." in gold. This object belonged to Elizabeth Anna Low, class of 1891.


Silver Knife Set

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00250
Shelf 20

A black leather and red velvet flip-top box with three metal feet housing eleven silver knives and two small pronged silver forks. This set was owned by John Dickinson.


Bowl and Plate

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00266
Shelf 21 (housed with AC 00001, AC 00045, AC 00265, AC 00600, AC 00683)

A white china bowl with matching plate. Both feature the college seal in red.


Butter Dishes

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00342
Shelf 19

Two sets of cut glass butter dishes with flower shaped handles, deep bowls, accompanying plates, and glass drains to separate ice from butter.  This set reportedly belonged to Joseph Priestley.


Dickinson Stein, c.1910

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00720
Shelf 19 (housed with 00722)

A cream ceramic stein with a handle and a silver metal lid. The Dickinson College seal is printed in read on the front and a pennant is printed in red and white on the back.


Pints with Profs Glass, 2012

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00701
Shelf 19 (housed with AC 00699)

A green glass made by members of the Class of 2012 from recycled wine bottles for “Pints with Profs” event. On the front of the glass in white is the college seal and "Dickinson Class of 2012".


Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00430
Shelf 18

Two teacups and two saucers in white glazed china with a small red Dickinson College seal on one side. 


Pewter Cup, 1988

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00517
Shelf 27 (housed with AC 00592)

Pewter cup with no handles, engraved with college seal and “The John Dickinson Society 1988.”


Class of 1994 Beer Mug

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00552
Shelf 27 (housed with AC 00044 and AC 00155)

Glass beer mug with a picture of the Old Stone Steps and doors of West College and “Dickinson College, Congratulations Class of 1994" printed in red on the side.


"Natural Highs" cup

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00263
Shelf 27 (housed with AC 00254 and AC 00264)

White plastic cup with "Natural Highs" listed on each side.


Dickinson Caf Tray, 2010

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00596
Shelf 9

A red cafeteria tray with the college seal in the top right corner. The use of trays was discontinued in 2010, and a tray was presented as a gift to the each member of the class of 2010 during graduation by President Bill Durden.
