Dickinson Alumnus, December 1937

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • The Alumnus reprinted President Fred P. Corson's (class of 1917) report to the Board of Trustees entitled "A Philosophy for the Liberal Arts Colleges."
  • A crowd of 6,000 watched Dickinson's football team defeat Gettysburg College, which marked the team's first undefeated season in 20 years. 
  • Thomas J. Towers (class of 1904) was elected a justice of the City Court of New York.
  • Howard E. Moses (class of 1898) was appointed chief engineer of the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
  • A Dickinson student's diary entries during the 1849-1850 academic year revealed student life in the period before the Civil War.
  • Dean Ernest A. Vuilleumier invented a vapor pressure apparatus to measure the vapor pressure of volatile liquids.
  • Christian Gauss, Dean of Princeton University, delivered an address to Dickinson's Phi Beta Kappa chapater entitled "The Standard of Living of The Education Man."
Other Topics

Dickinson Alumnus, November 1925

Selected Highlights from this Issue
  • Professor Mervin G. Filler (class of 1893) discussed the college's use of intelligence tests.
  • Joseph M. Burns, the new superintendent of grounds and buildings, ordered for all dorms in Old West to be converted to academic spaces.
  • The Fraternity Alumni Council discussed several proposals, including changing rushing rules and eligibility requirements.
  • Trustee Melville Gambrill bequeathed $150,000, which was the largest gift in the college's history.
  • President James Henry Morgan (class of 1878) reflected on his own experiences as a student athlete in "Athletics in Pennsylvania Colleges: Sketches of Some Evils and a Proposed Remedy."
  • Former President George Edward Reed published "Certain Early Experiences," the fourth in a series entitled "Reminiscences of Dickinson."