Dickinsonian, December 12, 1952

Opera star, Cesare Siepi to give concert in January. Outstanding clergymen, Howard Rubendall and James Pike to speak in January chapel meetings. Leonardo da Vinci art on exhibit in Bosler Hall. The Dickinson College Christian Service Project will send a team to the Bustletown Methodist Church in Philadelphia. Drama critic, Thomas Radcliff speaks in chapel meeting. Details on the annual Doll Dance. Profile on new faculty member, English instructor James C. Hinkle.


Dickinsonian, October 22, 1954

The '55 Microcosm is being prepared so that it will be released by May 15. In addition to the usual content of senior portraits, family portraits, organizations, fraternities and sports articles, there will be a "features" section and a whole new layout. The Christian Service Project chapter of Dickinson College will headed to a few stops in Pennsylvania and New Jersey to teach Sunday School classes, attend worship services and participate in a panel for a Youth Fellowship meeting. Freshmen hazing nears its end with the introduction of a new group who controls hazing rules.
