The football team wins against Allegheny by the wide margin of 21-0. The freshmen football team wins against the Carlisle Y.M.C.A team. A tea is held in honor of the president’s wife, Mrs. Frances Corson. The Archaeological Institute of America claims that the college is in possession of a very valuable stone sarcophagus. A search concluded that such a gift was indeed presented to the college, but it had been removed some time ago. The number of freshmen pledged to fraternities totals twenty-one. The Senate names a new chairman of the Senate Tribunal Committee. The Microcosm reorganizes and makes several changes. The soccer team wins against Allegheny. The Men’s Senate eliminates the present All-College Social Committee, as it was not properly representative of the entire campus, and drafts a new one. The Debate Team adds new members. The Unaffiliated Group elects officers as it begins its duties. The Diamond Jubilee 75th anniversary of the local chapter of the Sigma Chi fraternity will be celebrated today. The Men’s Glee Club holds its first practice of the year. The Greek Club initiates eight new members. The German Club selects its cast for the performance of Love and Intrigue.