Letter from Thomas M. Griffith to His Sister

Letter from Thomas M. Griffith to His Sister
June 23, 1857

Thomas Griffith, a member of the Class of 1858, writes to his sister about his semester at Dickinson College. Griffith writes about some of his friends, health, as well as his studies.

MC 2005.4, B1, F1
Time Period

Letter from John Reed to John Brock

Letter from John Reed to John Brock
June 20, 1845
Professor John Reed responds to John Penn Brock's question on whether he can receive his diploma at Commencement. While Brock is "entitled to your diploma conferring the Degree of Bachelor of Laws," Reed notes that Brock must first send money.
Time Period

Letter from Charles Himes to William Fisher

Letter from Charles Himes to William Fisher
July 27, 1874

Professor Charles Himes writes Professor William Fisher to discuss various affairs at Dickinson College. Professor Himes notes an allegation that Fisher might soon be directly involved in, and warns him to be cautious of these allegation

MC 2000.12, B1, F3
Time Period