Letter from Mary Thomson to John Read

Mary F. Thomson writes to Judge John M. Read, appending a note about a business error.
Mary F. Thomson writes to Judge John M. Read, appending a note about a business error.
Carrie M. Thomson writes to Judge John Meredith Read about her family.
Carrie M. Thomson writes to Judge John Meredith Read, updating him on the health of her mother, who is recovering from a cough.
Carrie M. Thomson writes to Judge John Meredith Read, stating that she is happy he traveled safely during a recent trip and that her family is well.
Ned Hastings (Class of 1865) writes to Jane Hastings, his mother, describing his search for housing and receiving his "certificate as 'a member of Harvard Law School". Transcript included.
An unidentified Dickinson College student (Jos. V. F [Meinsch?]) writes to his cousin, Joseph T. Soule, and discusses various aspects of college life. Transcript included.
Former President and Representative John Quincy Adams writes to members of a committee of Union Philosophical Society (UPS) members and declines an invitation to deliver an address before a joint meeting of the Belles Lettres and Union Philosophic
Harriet Lane Johnston writes to Lily Macalester while on holiday in England.
Harriet Lane Johnston writes Judge Jeremiah Sullivan Black to defending her uncle's (President James Buchanan) motives for distribution of offices during his administration.
Harriet Lane writes to her friend Mrs. Christopher L. Ward in December 1853. Transcript included.
Harriet Lane writes to a Mr. Childs from the White House in 1859 regarding changes to a publication about her uncle President James Buchanan. Besides making corrections, Lane also wants Mr.
Former President James Buchanan writes his nephew James Buchanan Henry and asks him to bring several financial documents when he visits Wheatland, Pennsylvania.
Former President James Buchanan writes James Buchanan Henry and includes payment for stocks that Henry purchased on behalf of Harriet Lane.
Former President James Buchanan's letter to his nephew, James Buchanan Henry, includes a list of individuals who have discharged their bonds or mortgages since April 1.
President James Buchanan writes former President Franklin Pierce and encloses "the first copy of the message which has been delivered to any person." The "message" that Buchanan refers to is likely his first State of the Union, which was published
James Buchanan writes to President Franklin Pierce and recommends that James C. Van Dyke be appointed as the district attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Transcript included.
James Buchanan writes to his nephew James Buchanan Henry and informs him that Mr. Bolman will supply his pocket money for Princeton.
James Buchanan writes to his nephew James Buchanan Henry about the formers efforts to help the latter enroll in the sophomore class at Princeton University. Transcript included.
US Senator James Buchanan writes Mrs. James I.
Joseph Priestley writes to Joseph Barrington a few days before his death on February 6, 1804 about his views on Christianity.
Samuel Vaughan writes to Rev. Dr. John Andrews and introduces Joseph Priestley, who is seeking asylum in the United States. Vaughan explains that Priestley is "now driven to seek an asylum in your rising Empire."
Joseph Priestley Jr. writes to Nicholas LeFevre about a proposed exchange of "my brick house in Northd." for lands in Catawissa.
Joseph Priestley Jr. writes to John Smith of Philadelphia (102 S. 18th St.) after receiving reports that Mr. Dean's tract of land is on a mountain top and not worth surveying.