Small Vietnam Medal, c.2014
Folded American Flag, 2011
A folded American Flag accompanied by a United States Marine Corps certificate addressed to William G. Durden and a pamphlet with flag care instructions. The flag was given to President Bill Durden by ROTC after he delivered a speech during the commissioning ceremonies in 2011.
Practice Jersey Name Patch, c.1973
A red, rectangular piece of fabric with the name "Brunt" sewn on the front in white thread. There are three metal snaps on the top at the corners and center.
Emerging Leaders Retreat Shirt, 2015
Cotton, orange, long sleeve shirt with "Emerging Leaders Retreat, Dickinson College 2015, Blazing a Trail" printed on the the back.
Green Devil T-Shirt, 2008
Gray, cotton t-shirt with logo "Turn me off!" on the left breast pocket area.
"1773" Production T-shirt, 1973
A white cotton T-shirt with the cast of the 1973 faculty production of “1773” in orange, depicting the founding of Dickinson College. The text "Dickinson Bicentennial" is written underneath the image in orange.
Insulated Bag, 2004
A red and black insulated lunch bag with a black shoulder strap. The college compass seal and “Class of 1994” are printed in black on the front pocket.
College Debate on Energy Plaque and Name Tag, c.1988
A rectangular wooden award plaque with gold-tone medal reading "Westinghouse Corp Pennsylvania Electric Assoc." above a metal plate reading "Participant Seventh Annual College Debates on Energy 1987-88" in black text. This award was given to Jennifer Holm (Class of 1989) for her participation in the Westinghouse/Pennsylvania Electric College Debate on Energy. Her yellow and white name tag pin from the event is also included. It reads "Pennsylvania College Energy Debates, Jennifer Holm, Debater" in black text.
Alpha Chi Rho Formal Fans, 1952 and 1957
Two black wood folding fans, with black cloth featuring red flowers and the text "Alpha Chi Rho" in red and white. Small explanation booklets are attached to the fans reading "AXP, A Chinese Garden Spring Formal May 17, 1952" or "AXP, Dickinson Spring Formal, April 27, 1957". These were given out by the Alpha Chi Rho fraternity during the Formal dances of 1952 and 1957.
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Crest Stamp, 2006
A wood block approximately 1 inch square with engraved metal stamp of the crest of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia music honor society.
John Dickinson Cigar Box
A brown, wooden cigar box wrapped in paper with images and name of John Dickinson. The text on the bottom is the stamped information of the manufacturing company and health notice.
Keychain with Dickinson College Seal, 2006
A gold-tone metallic, rectangular keychain featuring “Dickinson College” and the college’s seal.
Coterie of the Quill Rune Stone, 1995
A polished purple semi-precious rune stone left blank as the symbol for the unknowable or destiny, worn by members of the Coterie of the Quill to identify themselves as members of the group. The stone was accompanied by a handwritten note 'Coterie of the Quill, Rune 1995-1996, members bought runes to make necklaces - this is the blank rune called the "unknowable" and it is the rune of destiny.' and a photocopied worksheet explaining the different Viking rune symbols.
Priestley Award Buttons, 2000
Two orange buttons the black text 'Dr. E. O. Wilson "The Future of Life" Thursday, October 19th, Dickinson College 2000 Priestley Award' situated around an image of three ants and a DNA strand in the center.
Freshman Beanie and Name Tag, 1967
A red felt Freshman Beanie ("dink") with "71" on the back in white and a Dickinson College Name Tag with the name "Michael Trachtman" typed in black under the college seal and "Dickinson College" in red. Trachtman is a member of the Class of 1971.
"Mascot Twelve" Football Uniform (#66), 1936
A red and white knitted jersey, pants, and socks worn by Daniel Kahler for the “Mascot Twelve” football game played during halftime at Homecoming on October 24, 1936. This game was traditionally played by the children of the faculty.
Frame Wedgwood Medallion, 1952
The first Priestley Award medallion presented in 1952. The award is framed in a wooden shadow box backed with red velvet.
Three Mile Island T-shirts, 1979
Two pale yellow cotton T-shirts with the yellow radiation symbol next to the script “I survived 3 Mile Island, I think.” in bright yellow.
A paperweight of an artistic rendition of Old West, inscribed with "Dickinson" in black calligraphy, cast in clear plastic.
Paperweight, 2000
A paperweight with a metal casting of college seal on a white marble base. The seal is labeled “Class of 2000, Dickinson College.” On the back of the marble base is the information of the maker.
Basketball Shorts, c.1950
Time Capsule, 1857
A rectangular metal box with lid originally placed in the cornerstone of Emory Chapel in 1857. The inscription on the paper glued to the top of the lid reads "Box from Corner Stone of Emory Chapel."
"Mascot Twelve" Football Uniform (#77), 1936
A red and white knitted jersey, pants, and socks worn by Conrad Kahler for the “Mascot Twelve” football game during halftime at Homecoming on October 24, 1936. This game was traditionally played by the children of the faculty.