Dickinsonian, April 30, 1948

Kappa Sigma hosts delegates from seven schools for the fraternity's Pennsylvania convention. The Little Theater's production of Macbeth opens to good reviews. The Intercollegiate Conference on Government hosts a mock presidential election. Phi Delta Theta takes fist place in the 175 anniversary float contest. SAE submits a plan to the Student Senate on the seating of Senate members and election of officers. An editorial on the state of freshman rules appears. Basketball player John Hopper receives two offers from professional teams in the Basketball Association of America.


Dickinsonian, April 24, 1948

The college's 175 anniversary celebration begins. Attorney General of the United States, Tom Clark, gives an address stressing the importance of both a strong education system and military for creating lasting peace. President William Edel addresses alumni, expressing a commitment to making Dickinson the "best small college possible" by expanding facilities and asking for $750,000 in donations to make this possible. Dickinson confers 10 honorary degrees to prominent guests. Sixteen floats from college organizations participate in a historical parade.


Dickinsonian, March 5, 1948

Three more speakers, including the Attorney General of the United States Thomas C. Clark, are announced for the college's 175th anniversary celebration. Dr. John H. Powell delivers a lecture on John Dickinson and the American Revolution as part of the Spahr lecture series. Plans for a small parade of floats depicting the history of the college and Carlisle are also laid out for the celebration. The Campus Chest Drive reports $2193 raised, 73% of their goal for the year.


Dickinsonian, February 27, 1948

Eighty students are to be honored at the annual "A" banquet, given each year to recognize those students receiving an overall A average during either semester in the year preceding the banquet. A new president and executive board of the Student Athletic Association is elected. Music critic and composer Dr. Sigmund Spaeth will present a lecture. Three speakers for the college's 175th anniversary celebration are announced. The Student Senate fund investigation ends and the budget for the 1948-1949 school year is announced.


Dickinsonian, February 13, 1948

Plans for the celebration of the college's 175th anniversary are announced. A committee of 50 students will help the administration to draw up the plans for this celebration. The Campus Chest drive reports having received 16% of their goal in donations at the close of its first week. A Chambersburg radio station begins announcing Dickinson news and taking student requests for musical programming. The Interfraternity Council nominates ten Dickinson men as "Great Greeks." Changes to provide better representation in Student Senate are planned.
