Dickinsonian, April 8, 1922

Review of the performances seen at the Drama Festival. J. Stitt Wilson will lecture the college. Updates on the college fundraising campaign. Religious summer school to be held in July. John Hays will give a demonstration of a radio concert to the Mohler Scientific Club. Tryouts for the Freshmen declamation contest. Belles Lettres Society election results. Cast of the play Antigone announced. Dr. Arthur Delroy addresses the college. News from China. Y. M. C. A. election results. Chi Omega Founders' Day formal. Travelers' Club smoker.


Dickinsonian, February 25, 1922

Announcement of changes to the Drama Festival. Bishop William Frazer McDowell will lecture the college. Sophomores win against the Freshmen and are the victors of the interclass basketball games. Summary of Washington's Birthday Celebration. Kappa Sigma hosts a conclave. College seniors can now teach in local schools. The college fundraising campaign is now in full swing.


Dickinsonian, May 1, 1953

Educators Mark Burkhart and David Swartz to speak at an upcoming meeting of Future Teachers of America. Celebrated artist, William Robinson Leigh to visit campus. Dean Amos Horlacher to take leave for graduate study at Columbia University. The Dickinson Debate Team places first in the Duquesne Novice Tournament in Pittsburgh. Profile on Dickinsonian Loma Rein. Detailed article covering the upcoming Spring Follies, Mermaid Players' production, and Drama Festival. Dickinson Baseball defeats Franklin and Marshall. Sophomore girls win the Inter-Class Bowling Tournament.

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