Dickinsonian Newspaper

Student Senate

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Faculty approves the proposed changes to the academic calendar. Student Senate candidates begin their campaigns. Profiles of all candidates are given in this issue. A proposal to revise the ROTC program will be drafted by Ad-Hoc. The Mermaid Players' revival of Lysistrata is another success.

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Dr. George Wald is the recipient of the 19th Priestley Memorial award. The Public Affairs symposium draws to a close with a call for environmental activism. The winners of the Student Senate elections for president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary are announced. SMC plans to distribute...

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Dickinson's Mermen win their 100th meet for coach Dave Eavenson. Satirist Paul Krassner, editor of The Realist, will speak on American censorship. Dave Plymyer assumes the position of Senate President. Price's readings receive positive reviews.

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The College Governance Group Proposes the creation of college committees of faculty, students, and administrators in place of present faculty committees. The Student Senate considers four options in area major and distribution requirements. SMC gains the approval of CPS, the nations largest...

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Several resolutions pertaining to the curriculum and a change in faculty evaluation procedures pertaining to tenure and salary increase are requested. John Denver will present a concert. The Academic Standards Committee studies proposals to modify the grading system. Faculty will present a...

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An All-College Assembly will be proposed at an open hearing called by the campus Governance Committee. It will require all faculty and students on college committees, as well as 18 faculty and 15 students elected at large, to meet. A change in the pass-fail grading system is proposed to give...

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Senate approves a proposal for coed living units in Todd and Mathews houses with the first two floors for men and the rest for women. SDS questions business manager Bloodgood on campus working conditions and wages. The College receives a federal grant providing for community service and...

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The college takes measures to fight local pollution; specifically against dumping at Letort marsh. Five Dickinson law students demand a hearing after the Dickinson College tries to force them to pay for the ROTC program. Composer John Cage receives the 1970 College Arts Award. A schedule and...

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Student Senate discards the group housing proposal. A revised College Committee structure is approved. An open hearing is granted to ROTC. The personnel committee adopts new procedures for faculty evaluation. A Byrds performance is announced as part of the Spring Weekend entertainment. The New...

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Dr. Stanley Nodder is appointed Associate Dean to succeed Dr. Merle Allshouse. The highlights of Parents Weekend are revealed. Black poet Don Lee will give a discussion on what it means to be black at Dickinson. Senate passes its budget without any changes. Senatorial Candidate Norval Reece will...

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Norval Reece campaigns on campus for a Democratic Senate seat. A student referendum on ROTC will be presented by Student Senate. The ROTC debate continues with the main issues being the moral question of weather ROTC should be on Dickinson campus, the academic question of if military science...

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The Policy Committee will present two resolutions to faculty at their next meeting: 1. The ROTC will be abolished on campus. 2. No academic credit will be granted for courses in the ROTC program. Student Senate invalidated the election results for the Institutional Priorities and Resources...

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Students vote to strike in protest of the "ever-widening war in Indochina," specifically the expansion of U.S. troops into Cambodia and the resumption of U.S. bombing of North Vietnam. They will strike for an indefinite period and students will gather for a review in two days. A Referendum...

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I.P.R. completes tentative assumptions. Students will participate in the community as social work aids.

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Workmen resume cutting down trees after a student protest halted work for two days. Extensive discussion of student opposition to cutting down trees highlighted the first faculty meeting of the year. The Senate will change its committee structure by dissolving some committees whose duties...

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Senate elects new members to IPR. The College will plant new trees to replace some of the ones that have been cut down and, once pedestrian traffic studies have been completed, install two new red lights. Spontaneous or short-notice marches will now be in violation of a new Carlisle Borough...

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The Board of Trustees focuses on revising the budget and making cuts. A fundraiser will be held to collect $2000 for tree replacement. Students meet with Dean Hawkins to discuss problems of freshmen. The campus will host a state conference on environmental issues to be presented to the governor...

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The facts and figures of the revised budget are presented to faculty. SAE allows women to be social members in a fraternity for the first time. Student Senate will contribute to the tree fund by matching one quarter of the student funds raised with senate funding. The Senate voted to allow $100...

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Having surpassed its fund raising goal for trees, the Student Senate approved a motion to donate the excess funds to the Carlisle Shade Tree Commission. Organizers of the Harrisburg Urban Semester will be available to speak with interested students. Wheel and Chain and ODK will sponsor Songfest...

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Pass/ fail options, freshmen grades, and general grading systems are discussed at an open hearing held by the Academic Standards Committee who are currently evaluating the grading system. An IPR subcommittee proposes to implement a college legislative body consisting of faculty, students, and...

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Faculty resolutions on 5-5-4-4 and reform of the grading system must be announced by the March 1971 faculty meeting. Professors state that the four track option will provide more flexibility to students. Alumni will donate to restore and renovate East College to be a humanities building. The...

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Student Senate defeats a resolution to limit spending on the annual Christmas Dinner. The student store The Common Exchange is set to open. East College will house the humanities departments starting the next semester. Students will be traveling to Africa to volunteer with Operation Crossroads...

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Dean Hawkins will leave his post as college Dean. An open hearing held on graduation requirements examines four proposals made by the Academic Program Committee--1. "A student must complete and pass 34 courses with a cumulative average of 2.00" 2. "Students who have been admitted as degree...

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The theme of the Public Affairs Symposium is "Invasion of Privacy in a Computerized Society" and speakers will include Ralph Nader, former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, and Rev. Andrew Young. Vandalism and Shoplifting are a growing concern in the HUB. Senate will elect two students to serve on...

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The Faculty meeting focuses on changes in graduation requirements, approval of independent studies and credit by exam in January, and establishment of a new major in "Theater and Dramatic Literature." A resolution recommending that Malcolm and Witwer Halls become coed residence halls, effective...


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