Dickinsonian, March 9, 1995

Senate recognizes Dickinson chapter of Students for a Free Tibet. ROTC sponsors blood drive in Social Hall. As part of Alcohol Awareness Month, speakers talk on alcohol issues. Producer David Haugland speaks at Common Hour panel on homosexuality. College to participate in Pew Higher Education Roundtable. Exhibit of Haitian photography and art displayed at Trout Gallery. Film Society merges with Campus Activities Board. In Rubendall Recital Hall, Janice Hamlet stresses role of black feminist thought as part of Women's History Week. Blue Lou Marini to perform in ATS.


Dickinsonian, November 17, 1994

Faculty members voted to make the SATs an optional part of the admissions process. One of the Rape Awareness Week programs feature an informative discussion about, "Does No Mean No in Pennsylvania?" Student Senate sponsored a new Student Activities Phone Line, which allows student to call in and hear about events happening every weekend. The Dickinson Board of Trustees voted to give health benefits for same-sex partners of College employees. The swim team has employed a new coach, Paul Richards.


Dickinsonian, October 27, 1994

The College's pass/fail system is under review, as the system was adopted in the late 60's. The College also discussed the possibility of offering cable in dorm rooms rather than just in common areas. As stated in the previous issue, the Men and Women's Rugby team faces disbandment due to a lack of funding and the teams have been petitioning to Senate.

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Dickinsonian, September 15, 1994

Grand plans for social space becoming a reality. College mourns the loss of alumni killed in a plane crash in California. The college undertakes the Capital Campaign, trying to raise $40 million for enhancing academic programs. The HUB becomes accessible to disabled students. College addresses questions at the first Town Meeting, organized by Student Senate and UPS. Community cracks down on jaywalkers. Three new staff join Dickinson, eager to help students.


Dickinsonian, April 15, 1993

Holocaust survivors and their relatives touch the lives of students. Holocaust exhibit portrays horror and devastation. Reading program succeeds in Carlisle elementary schools. Will alcohol violations soon mean the loss of financial aid? Wallets loosen as White Hats bring 200 bucks to Big/Little. Senate budget leaves some groups hungry. The heat is on! Spring fever hits the campus. Community service better for grade point average. Mermaid Players meet success with The Rimers of Eldritch. Room draw and other college fairy tales.


Dickinsonian, April 8, 1993

Secrets of how to live off-campus revealed. Lack of candidates and voters tarnishes Senate races, three positions unfilled. New Student Senate president to fight apathy, inspire activity. Weather dampens events but not spirit of the first annual Peace Festival. Holocaust remembered by College. John Dickinson, founder or flounder. Propel yourself with "Velocity Girl". The cold "rained" supreme in Fl.


Dickinsonian, March 4, 1993

Faculty to decide senate president's right to vote in faculty meeting. Seamus Heaney mesmerizes at Common Hour. Rugby offers escort service. African dance troupe Dinizulu thrills and energizes ATS. HUB construction awaits warmer weather. After 19 thefts this semester, Security heightens efforts. Is the college liable for thefts? Study abroad programs maintain allure. Freshworks says: We are just here to jam. Eaken Piano Trio prepares for their Carnegie Hall debut.


Dickinsonian, October 29, 1992

Election day preview. Carlisle streets struck by wave of drug crimes. H. Ross tells America to get with the "Perot-gram". Three way race heads for finish. College needs to reassess its handicap accessibility. This year's congressional election dubbed "The Year of the Woman". Grace Jarvis and Student Senate clash over student representation. Voter participation at record high. Moscow trip didn't make students Communists. Bush and Clinton debate education. Carlisle Theatre's revitalization plan underway. Campus Rock the Vote succeeds.


Dickinsonian, October 22, 1992

Students voice their opinions on final presidential debate. Registration drive denies voter's rights. College mourns death of sophomore Patricia Smith. Student Senate debates funding for Sigma Chi. Rape Awareness week heightens awareness. Pomfret Suites, more than just off campus. WDCV is back. Jazz at A La Tarte Cafe. performance of The Crucible depicts a dark time in American history.


Dickinsonian, March 31, 1994

As Student Senate elections draw near, candidates state their intentions. Officer of a citizens action group on handgun control, Sara Brady will be the speaker at this years commencement. Professor Clint Sprott, this year's winner of the Glover Award, discussed "The New Science of Chaos" in a common hour address. Leading Mexican presidential candidate Colosio is assassinated. John Miller, vice president of AHEDD, discusses the new American Disabilities Act with students. Spielberg wins the first Oscar of his career for Shindler's List. The Men's Lacrosse team is off to a good start.


Dickinsonian, March 10, 1994

Rebecca Walker hosts a presentation on "Becoming the Third Wave," a rally to modern advances in feminism. The Student Senate looks into establishing an honor code. Delta Delta Delta hosts a seminar promoting crime awareness. Hank Nuwer gives a presentation on the dangers of hazing based on his book Broken Pledges--The Deadly Rite of Hazing. The library installs five Macintosh computers. The college examines the future of ROTC. Dean Allan discusses declining enrollment and grade inflation in a revealing interview.


Dickinsonian, December 2, 1993

Required chemistry labs 131 and 132 are combined into a new more hands-on approach in Chemistry 141-foundations of chemistry. The Affirmative Action Officer updates the college's discrimination policy by changing the wording of prohibition of discrimination based on "gender" to discrimination based on "sex" and also adding the probation of discrimination due to "sexual orientation." Student Senate finds a bank error in their favor, collecting $40,000. On Sunday the 24th, a glass Coke bottle filled with tobacco "juice" shatters, spilling onto and damaging multiple books in the library.


Dickinsonian, November 11, 1993

Student Senate faces a deficit of over $30,000 due to a book keeping error. Native American couple Archie and Ramona Mason, from the Osage and Mvskoke tribes respectively, present "Images of a People: A Presentation of native American Life" discussing their cross-cultural marriage. The Woman's Center holds multiple activities in conjunction with Rape Awareness Week. A survey reveals new statistics about rape both on and off campus. The Faculty Personnel Committee will not allow romantic relationships between students and faculty.


Dickinsonian, April 7, 1992

Special Senate election issue. Social life issues at the forefront during senate elections. Students and senators ask why no one enters Senate President race as Yvonne Houck to run unopposed for Senate President. Seniors question right to vote in elections, allowed to vote for the first time. Letters of intent for all college officers.

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Dickinsonian, April 21, 1983

Omicron Delta Kappa and Wheel and Chain presented their newest members on the steps of Old West before a large crowd on Wednesday evening. The Student Senate unanimously passed the 1983-84 Spring Activities Budget on Tuesday. Dickinson's first annual Siblings Weekend is slated to occur, starting on Friday, April 21st and going until Sunday, April 23rd. Senior raised $29,200 for the college during the 1983 Senior Gift Drive. Dickinson has initiated the "7000" plan, a student loan program for students in higher income brackets.


Dickinsonian, April 14, 1983

Borges' scholars from across the country gather to participate witness and participate in Jorge Luis Borges' three-day Symposium at Dickinson. Joan Hoff Wilson delivered a speech on Tuesday evening regarding Watergate and its aftermath. EFFORT, or "Equality for Females: Our Rights Today," hosted the Second Annual Women's Party in an attempt to establish unity among women on campus. Dr. Kenneth Short discussed British propaganda films as a way of eliciting an Anglo-American alliance during World War II.


Dickinsonian, February 24, 1983

College elects Senate officers (Bill Sapoch, Kurt Krauss, Pete Dahlin), Repositioning includes changes for football, poor attendance to Black History Program, Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow Milton Lyon speaks at lecture, Dean of the College George Allan speaks about college-preparation, EPA buys homes in Missouri, Professor Gary D'Lamater denied tenure, Annabella and Bow Wow Wow performs in Harrisburg, Dance concert "Bits of Broken Glass and Other Pieces" in Mathers Theatre, Coro Stelutis, choir from Bologna Italy performs, Ice Hockey rematch scheduled, Discussion of JV sports, Men's basket

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Dickinsonian, March 6, 1985

Student Senate election results announced, new officers interviewed. Student group heads to Washington to lobby senators for a U.S. Institute of Peace. Few minorities attend Dickinson, low level a crisis. Revival of Dean's List a possibility if student interest high, standards kept stringent. Prof. Richard A. Howland, Mathematics and Computer Science, dies suddenly of a heart attack. Black Arts Festival opens with "The Dream Tellers" performed by Harrisburg Area Community College students. Arts House to stage "Shadow Box." Women's rugby falls to Towson.


Dickinsonian, February 27, 1976

Student body slightly prefers old grading system to new plus-minus system. College plans Mock Convention for April. Seth Ray, Steve Bartolett and Matt Creme triumph in Student Senate elections. Lilly Endowment sends over $200,000 to College which will help launch COLE program. John Kemeny wins Joseph Priestley Award. "Eating Out" reviews The Bellaire House (3/5 stars) and The Backroom Discotheque (2/5). "In Depth" explores tenure controversy. Library installs 13 students as security checkers.

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Dickinsonian, December 10, 1987

Raids by state police occur at other universities in Pennsylvania as part of a campaign to curb underage drinking. Violations Board harassment charge set aside. Dr. Riyad Mansour of the PLO discusses "Palestine problem". Senates answer questions at forum for election today. "Still Motion" well received. Student's spent the summer volunteering in Holland. Outing Club offers exciting off campus activities. Pulitzer Finalist Douglas Unger brought to campus for a reading. Bigs and Littles program provides a unique student and community interaction.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 1987

Oxfam's fundraising fast raises questions. Prevalence of student drug usage discussed. Fritschler sheds light on campus concerns. Leaders see student government as powerful. Senior Sue Barzda spent semester in Nepal. "Still Motion" dance theater group concert to open. Racial tension continues to spread on college campuses. Waggoner's Gap and Migrating hawks.


Dickinsonian, May 1, 1986

A survey sent to each student by the "Committee for the Improvement of Student Life" and the results showed that students were disappointed in the social life, maintenance, and the dorm rooms. The geology and psychology buildings' renovations are to be complete by the fall. Students give their opinions on The Dickinsonian, Libya and the Student Senate budget vote. Three Men's Tennis players qualified for the Middle Atlantic Conference: Scott Howlett, Mike Poss, and Dan Kotz.


Dickinsonian, March 13, 1986

A symposium on terrorism attracted at least 250 people, which was sponsored by the Community Relations Committee of the United Jewish Federation of Harrisburg and Dickinson College. Field Hockey coach Carol Cox was relieved of her coaching duties by the College. The newly elected Student Senate officers are as follows: President Ted Martin, Vice-president Nancy Shoup, and Treasurer Mike Erdos. The Follies have decided to cancel their spring show, "A Musical Review," due to the fact that there would not have been enough time to put on a quality show.

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Dickinsonian, March 6, 1986

The Board of Trustees in undecided on whether or not they are willing to help the College divest all or part of a $6 million worth of investments to South Africa. Alpha Chi Rho is in debt to the College $9, 945 due to a lease agreement where each fraternity member is supposed to pay a certain amount and if there are not enough members to fill all the spaces, the fraternity needs to come up with the extra money, and they have not for the past two semesters. Candidates for Student Senate are featured for the election.

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