Workmen resume cutting down trees after a student protest halted work for two days. Extensive discussion of student opposition to cutting down trees highlighted the first faculty meeting of the year. The Senate will change its committee structure by dissolving some committees whose duties overlap those of college committees. 35 random freshmen were invited to Dean Hawkins first Fireside Chat. The first in a series of articles on the results of a study conducted by the Institutional Priorities and Resources committee for the Allenberry trustee conference is presented. A reorganizing of the college government calls for the establishment of college committees to replace certain faculty committees already in existence. A full itinerary of the Alaskan geology field trip is given. A summary of PEER's summer activities is given. Auditions for College Choir reach an all-time high at 10% of students. Only three house residents remain on campus in the three main woman's residence halls-- Drayer, Adams, and Witwer.