Dickinsonian, March 21, 1958

The approaching end of the Pan Hellenic week will feature the annual Doll Dance. A talk open to members of the Mary Dickinson Club and women students will be given by Dorothy Kenyon, speaker for the Mary Dickinson Day Chapel, titled "Women and Outer Space." Following incidents dubbed the "Egg Battle" - during which several men raided rival fraternity houses, threw eggs at the outside of the women's dorm and shouted "uncomplimentary expressions" - eleven men have turned themselves and been penalized by the Senate-Faculty Judiciary Committee.


Dickinsonian, September 18, 1970

Workmen resume cutting down trees after a student protest halted work for two days. Extensive discussion of student opposition to cutting down trees highlighted the first faculty meeting of the year. The Senate will change its committee structure by dissolving some committees whose duties overlap those of college committees. 35 random freshmen were invited to Dean Hawkins first Fireside Chat. The first in a series of articles on the results of a study conducted by the Institutional Priorities and Resources committee for the Allenberry trustee conference is presented.


Dickinsonian, September 19, 1969

The Student Affairs Committee will deal with disputed Social Rules between students and Deans by hearing individual appeals. President representatives from each woman's dorm have come together to form the Women's Presidents' Council to stay consistent on social rules and regulations such as curfews. A document compiling and interpreting the "Rights and Limitations on Speech and Assembly" has been distributed by the Dauphin County Legal Service Association.

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