Dickinsonian, September 18, 2013
The new President Nancy Roseman and Dean Joyce Bylander sit down to assuage rumors. Dog House welcomes two new puppies. The College Arts Prize is awarded to Sue Coe for the first time since 2007.
The new President Nancy Roseman and Dean Joyce Bylander sit down to assuage rumors. Dog House welcomes two new puppies. The College Arts Prize is awarded to Sue Coe for the first time since 2007.
Dickinson students and members of the Carlisle community host First Friday together on September 6. Clarke Forum hosts Gail Dines to speak about porn culture. Joyce Bylander takes the Vice President position. 30 Dickinson freshmen spend the weekend without their electronics.
Joyce Bylander reappointed as Associate Provost for Campus Academic Life. Dean JoAnne Brown to leave post. Crosswalk safety problems highlighted. Cable TV on campus is discussed. Model UN hosts high school conference. Students abroad discuss experiences in Toulouse and Malaga. Brenda Bretz responds to claims about discouraging double majoring.
ACLU director Ira Glasser makes a case for civic morality. Tougaloo College professor Dr. Jerry Ward provides insight into Bearden works. Students get feel for rare books at new display in the library. Senate election procedures raise doubts over legitimacy. New dean Joyce Bylander aims for a more diverse campus, plans to work with faculty and students on multicultural issues. New money means new programs for College's American Mosaic Semester. Presidential search enters final stages, replacement to be named by next semester.