Sigma Chi relinquished their President's Cup that they had received earlier in the fall in protest of new administration policies, including policies regarding the placement of students on faculty committees and, most significantly, a raise in student fees. Members of the African American community demanded a raise in allocated funds to the African American club on campus, citing the need to fight white racism before the anger of the African American community explodes. Mary Frances Watson was announced as the new Dean of Women at Dickinson. The Dickinsonian is set to publish a weekly summer issue. Record breaking Olympic athlete Jesse Owens will address members of the D-Club at a dinner on May 15. The Student Senate selected student representatives to fill vacancies on Faculty Committees. The Senate demanded a review of the college's fiscal policy in the wake of the uproar from the student body regarding the new fees. President Rubendall is re-instituting "information exchanges" in his home with a regular group of selected students in order to enhance communication between the administration and the student body. The administration is considering allowing a room in the Spahr Library be used as an all night study room for students. Fran Smith was awarded the 1902 Award by the junior class for being the most "all-round Dickinsonian". Theta Chi elected new officers the previous week. The "Open Door" Coffee House, experiencing reduced interest and attendance, is examined in-depth in this issue. Soccer goalie Doug Smith makes the All-American team. Two new humanities classes are being added to the curriculum. Dickinson announced the statistics for the incoming class of freshman. Lacrosse, baseball lose, women's tennis wins, and track goes 1 and 1.
