Dickinsonian, April 5, 1984

Phi Kappa Sigma may lose their charter. Plans are made for renovations to the snar. Dr. Hubert Alyea receives the Priestley award. Brazil is the focus of the Latin American colloquium. The College plans construction of townhouses. Dickinson holds a preliminary round for the college bowl competition. Greek week commences. The men's track team opens the season. Three women's swim team members gain all-American status.


Dickinsonian, May 10, 1968

Sigma Chi relinquished their President's Cup that they had received earlier in the fall in protest of new administration policies, including policies regarding the placement of students on faculty committees and, most significantly, a raise in student fees. Members of the African American community demanded a raise in allocated funds to the African American club on campus, citing the need to fight white racism before the anger of the African American community explodes. Mary Frances Watson was announced as the new Dean of Women at Dickinson.
