Portrait of Joseph Peter Gross, a member of the Class of 1872.
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: "Your Bro. in the mystic bonds of Phi Kappa Psi]"
Portrait of Joseph Peter Gross, a member of the Class of 1872.
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: "Your Bro. in the mystic bonds of Phi Kappa Psi]"
Five girls smile in a bar.
Third from left: Lisa Inzone ('93)
Fourth from left: Sukanya Krishnan ('93)
Dan Allanoff ('83) puts his arms in the air as he poses with friends for a picture at a social event.
Bottom of photo: Stan Edwards ('83)
A group of friends dress up in costumes, possibly for Halloween, and take a picture together.
A group of three friends stand and laugh together in one of the residence halls.
Man on the right: John Gordner ('83)
A group of female students stand outside and make silly faces for the camera.
A group of male students, many in Dickinson attire, all smile for the camera.
A group of ladies stand together to take a picture while dressed in formal attire.
Members of Pi Beta Phi perform a dance in the chapter apartment.
Four students of the class of 1857, including Jacob Stock and Gustavus Claggett Bird.
Several students hold a woman up in the air.
Left to Right: Gary Tannenbaum ; Christine Losco ; Dave Wargo ; Brian McTague
A group of students lay on the ground while someone takes a picture of them from above.
A group of nine women take a picture together. Most of the women are holding drinks, perhaps in celebration of an event or simply in celebration of spending time together.