Receipt book of John Montgomery

A description of this ledger is not currently available.
A description of this ledger is not currently available.
A description of this ledger is not currently available.
A description of this ledger is not currently available.
John Montgomery issues this receipt to John Harvie and Jasper Yeates for the sum borrowed from Frederick Ferree by the Commission of Indian Affairs.
Thomas Smith, a Pennsylvania Judge, writes to Alexander James Dallas, the Secretary of the State of Pennsylvania, about the prosecution Colonel John Montgomery's son.
Continental Congress delegate John Montgomery signs this agreement to take up 150 acres of land on Jack's Creek in Cumberland County.
Continental Congress delegate John Montgomery issues this receipt to John Harvie and Jasper Yeates for ninety pounds paid to messenger William Wilson.
John Montgomery writes to Robert Miller, Samuel Laird, and John Agnew informing them that Robert Davidson has accepted the pastorate in Carlisle. Transcript included.
John Montgomery writes Pennsylvania Governor Thomas Mifflin and recommends that Joseph Postlethwaite be appointed as Sheriff of Allegheny County.
The Commissioners of Indian Affairs of the Middle Department at Fort Pitt write to merchant Benjamin Morgan and order flints for militia companies under the command of Captain Pigman, Captain Sullivan, Captain Baird, and Captain Shields.
John Montgomery issues a receipt for funds paid by the Continental Congress to Jasper Yeates and himself for militia pay and allowance.
John Montgomery, Hugh Patrick, George Newberry and Paul Zantzinger issue receipts for various items between June 11 and June 20, 1776 to Jasper Yeates.
George Wood sends an order to Jasper Yeates to pay a debt to John Montgomery. Includes Montgomery's receipt dated October 19, 1774.
John Montgomery issues a receipt for wheat to Curtis and Peter Grubb.
John Montgomery writes to General Anthony Wayne, complimenting Wayne's son on his conduct and oratory skills. Transcript included.
Thomas Walker writes the Committee of Congress for Indian Affairs and asks that they pay Joseph Simon and John Campbell for the "sundry merchandize" that they provided "for the use of this Department." John Montgomery, John Harris, and Jasper Yea
John Montgomery writes to Captain Jasper Yeates concerning impending Indian War. As he believes that residents are unprepared and in need of immediate assistance, Montgomery asks Captain Yeates to write a Mr. Wilson for assistance.
Captain John Montgomery writes to Major Thomas Lloyd in reply to letter received on June 3rd. "I will not be able to march to Lancaster of Friday next as you have requested as I am still raising men for my company." Transcript included.
Captain John Montgomery writes Richard Peters to recommend John Hadden for a commission as ensign. Montgomery explains that his “Company are Desireous that no other person should have the commission but [Hadden].” Transcript included.
George Clymer of Philadelphia writes John Montgomery and asks for payment of tax on 300 acres he owns in Greenwood, Cumberland County. Clymer notes that Montgomery is in a danger of losing his investment.
This page from an account book of a hatter based in Philadelphia includes purchases by John Dickinson, John Montgomery, and Stephen Duncan.
Ralph Bowie writes to John Montgomery, the President of the Board of Trustees of Dickinson College, in an attempt to settle Dr. Charles Nisbet's claims against the College. Transcript included.
William Bingham writes from London to John Montgomery in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Bingham discusses the prospect of British aid to the new college and comments on the conflict between the United States and the United Kingdom.
The papers of the Board of Trustees of Dickinson College, 1783-1833, include correspondence, reports, financial statements, printed materials, and legal documents, and have been arranged into seven series.
Series 1 – Membership contains correspondence regarding membership on the Board of Trustees, as well as a membership list, c1826.
Series 2 – Reports of the President consists of reports made to the Board by Presidents Nisbet, Davidson, and How.
Series 3 – General Business contains materials such as correspondence between trustees, mandamus to the faculty, and committee reports.
Series 4 – College Personnel includes correspondence to and from faculty members, including presidents.
Series 5 – Physical Plant contains land deeds and construction and service bills for the campus buildings.
Series 6 – Financial Affairs contains reports of the treasurer, subscription lists, and other financial materials.
Series 7– Publications contains printed materials such as college catalogues.
A fuller description of each series is given before each series inventory.
Francis Gurney (1738-1815) was a veteran of the French and Indian Wars, the American Revolution, and the Whiskey Rebellion. A prominent Philadelphia merchant, Gurney held several political offices such as city Alderman and representative and senator to the state legislature. Gurney also served as a trustee of Dickinson College from 1798 until his death in 1815; the majority of the collection reflects his service to the College, particularly in soliciting funds in Philadelphia under the direction of Treasurer John Montgomery.