Pride '80 Assessment - 1980
Assessment of Pride Conference 1980.
Assessment of Pride Conference 1980.
Planning materials for Pride Conference 1980.
Electric bar sign of Shadows, a prominent gay bar in Harrisburg, PA.
T-shirt for the Harrisburg, PA gay bar Shadows.
Harrisburg Hustlers #3 maroon and white long sleeve captian shirt.
The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.
Draft report of ''Past Progress, Future Plans" for Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities subcommittes: Aging, Corrections, Drug and Alcohol, Education, Employment, Health, Insurance, Justice, Licensing, Public Welfare, Speaker's Bureau, State Police, and Third World Concerns; and general accomplishments of the council as a whole.
The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.
Minutes from the September 8, 1980 meeting. Minutes include:
The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.
Minutes from the June 3, 1980 meeting. Minutes include:
The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.
This was the agenda and minutes for the July 7, 1980 meeting. The meeting included:
The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.
This agenda was for the April 23, 1980 meeting.
Founded in the early 1970’s, Northeast Pennsylvania Gay Alliance (NEPGA) was a major LGBTQ+ group in northeast Pennsylvania. The newsletter was used to relay monthly meeting minutes and upcoming events.
Program for Pride '80, a statewide gay rights conference.
Invitation poster for Pride '80, a statewide gay rights conference.
Lesbian/Gay Fundraiser at Rosmary's for Pride '80 featuring Sharon Ettinger.
Brochure and Registration for Pride '80, a statewide gay rights conference.
Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.
In this issue, it is addressed that because of lack of participation over the summer, no meetings were held. This led to no newsletters going out. It is also mentioned that there has been an increase of LGBTQ+ and straight people moving away from the Williamsport area (however no reason is given as to why).
Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.
Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.
In this issue, it was shared the HOW has decided to continue on, and that participation will be key in the upcoming months.
Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.
In this issue, it is shared that unless HOW an form a steering committee, the organization is planning to dissolve, and that the last meeting will be in March if the steering committee is not able to be formed.
Calendar of events hosted by Dignity/Central PA for the Fall of 1980.
Calendar of events hosted by Diginity/Central PA during the summer of 1980.
Calendar of events hosted by Dignity/Central PA during the Spring of 1980.
Keystone is an educational and communication feature of Dignity/Central PA Inc. Notable articles in this issue: