PA Rural Gay Caucus Meeting, State College, PA - May 1976

May 1976

Members at a PA Rural Gay Caucus Meeting in State College, PA. Members left to right: Pam Erdly, Sam Deetz, Jonathan Smith-Cousins, Tony Silvestre. Photo by Bari Weaver.

Time Period
Gift of Anthony Slivestre
LGBT-074 Anthony Silvestre Collection

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - March 4, 1977

Number of Pages
March 4, 1977

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Minnutes for the Steering Committee meeting of the Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities. Minutes include:

  • Committee Reports
  • Committee Organization
  • Press Kit
  • White House meeting 
  • General Updates
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - June 25, 1976

Number of Pages
June 25, 1976

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Minuntes from the meeting of the Steering Committee of the Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities. Minutes include:

  • Policy regarding multiple committee membership
  • Annual Organization of Council
  • Additional Committee Members
  • A council vacancy
  • Public Information and Education
  • Letters on Council Stationary
  • Spokesperson for the Council
  • Reports on Committee
  • Upcoming meetings
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Report of Pennsylvania Council for Sexual Minorities - March 1977

Number of Pages
March 1977

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

The first Annual Report of the Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities, describing the major activities and accomplishments of the council in the 1976 year. 

General Subjects
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Unidentified Minutes, page 3 - undated

Number of Pages

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Unidentified minutes from a meeting.

Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Minutes - September 8, 1980

Number of Pages
September 8, 1980

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Minutes from the September 8, 1980 meeting. Minutes include: 

  • Report from Welfare Subcommittee
  • Health Report 
  • Foster Care Report 
  • Corrections Report 
  • ACLU/Governor's Council Booklet
  • Philadelphia Meeting Report
  • Pride '80
  • Public Welfare Priority List
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Minutes - June 3, 1980

Number of Pages
June 3, 1980

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Minutes from the June 3, 1980 meeting. Minutes include:

  • Update on the Department of Welfare
  • Report of the Drug and Alcohol committe
  • Update on Complaint Desk
  • General Annoucements 
  • Sodomy Reform
  • Future Plans
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Minutes - December 7, 1979

Number of Pages
December 7, 1979

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Minutes from the December 7, 1979 meeting. Minutes include:

  • Allegheny Sodomy Case
  • Affirmative Action Policy
  • Prison Project update, specifically on LGBTQ+ Prisoner Sexual Assault
  • Rascim;
  • Copy of Affirmative Action Program Executive Order
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Minutes - October 20, 1979

Number of Pages
October 20, 1979

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Minutes from the October 20, 1979 meeting. Minutes include: 

  • Update on the ALleghany Voluntary Deviate Intercourse Case
  • Department of Welfare Update
  • Department of Aging
  • General Annoucements
  • "Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia" written presentation
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Minutes - July [7], 1979

Number of Pages
July [7], 1979

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Minutes from the July [7], 1979 meeting. Minutes include:

  • Schedule for the 1979-80 Council Meetings
  • Proclamation of Gay Pride Week by Governor Thornburgh
  • Pride '79 Conference
  • Alcoholism Update
  • Report on Aging
  • General Announcements
  • Notes updates from smaller committees in the Council
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Minutes - April 27, 1979

Number of Pages
April 27, 1979

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Minutes from the April 17, 1979 meeting. Minutes include

  • Update on attendance policy
  • Status of the Council
  • Update on Alcoholism
  • Update on Advisory Council presentation to the US Civil Rights Commission
  • Update on conference on LGBTQ+ Prisoner Sexual Assault
  • Pride '79 planning
  • Update on Speaker's Bureau
  • Council Membership
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Minutes - December 15, 1978

Number of Pages
December 15, 1978

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Minutes for the December 15, 1978 meeting. Minutes include: 

  • Update on Prison Project, specifically on LGBTQ+ prisoner sexual assault
  • Update on Advisory Board meeting where Tony Silvestre will present LGBTQ+ issues
  • Committee on Alcoholism report
  • Health Committee Report
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Minutes - July 11, 1978

Number of Pages
July 11, 1978

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Minutes from the July 11, 1978 meeting. Minutes include:

  • Committee Reports
  • Update on the Executive Order update
  • Membership update
  • Human Relations Commission meeting
  • Licensing Boards
  • General Announcements
  • A presentation on Alcoholism
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Minutes - May 24, 1978

Number of Pages
May 24, 1978

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Minutes from the May 24, 1978 meeting. Minutes include:

  • Update on the ''complaint desk''
  • Update on the PA Nurses Association and Liquor Retail Clerks unions
  • Update on the Prison Project, specifically on LGBTQ+ Prisoner Sexual Assault
  • Update on the Speaker's Bureau
  • Update on the group called ''Young Democrats''
  • New Projects
  • Update on the Executive Order made my Shapp
  • State Police Committee Report
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Minutes - April 12, 1978

Number of Pages
April 12, 1978

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Minutes for the April 12, 1978 meeting. Minutes include: 

  • The future direction of projects undertaken by the council
  • General annoucements
  • Update on the Speaker's Bureau
  • Health Committe Report
  • Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) update
  • Employment and Education Committees Reports 
  • Pride 78 update
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Minutes - January 19, 1978

Number of Pages
January 19, 1978

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Minutes from the January 19, 1978 meeting. Minutes include:

  • Report on the Prison Project
  • Membership
  • Public Information
  • The council's policy on Transsexuality
  • Reports form various committees
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Minutes - February 4, 1977

Number of Pages
February 4, 1977

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Meeting minutes from the February 4, 1977 meeting. Minutes include: 

  • Chairperson's report
  • Legislation report
  • a list of reccomendations for the council over the 1977 year
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Memo - March 9, 1977

Number of Pages
March 9, 1977

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Memo from Tony Silvestres updating council members on new member appointments and a tentative meeting schedule for 1977 and 1978. 

Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Letter to Robert Raines, Esquire Justice Department, from ''Tom'' - September 7, 1976

Number of Pages
September 7, 1976

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

This letter discusses the possibility raising fund for the Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities.

General Subjects
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Letter from Anthony ''Tony'' Silvestre - circa 1977

Number of Pages
circa 1977

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Letter from Tony Slivestre to noting the abscense of the Community Relations Committee and the commitment to reorganize it in the near future. 

Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Bulletin - April 19, 1977

Number of Pages
April 19, 1977

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

This bulletin was created by Tony Silvestre to update Council and Committee members every few weeks on Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities actions.

Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Agenda and Minutes - July 7, 1980

Number of Pages
July 7, 1980

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

This was the agenda and minutes for the July 7, 1980 meeting. The meeting included:

  • update on the ruling of the PA Sodomy Law being unconstitutional
  • update on the progress on issues facing sexual minority populations and others in prison
  • a presentation on Sexual Harassment and the film "Under His Thumb"
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Agenda and Minutes - October 31, 1978

Number of Pages
October 31, 1978

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

This was the agenda and minutes for the October 31, 1978 meeting. The meeting included:

  • announcements
  • the revision of the executive order that established the Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities
  • an update on the Alcoholism Committee
  • a copy of the revision of Governor Shapp's Executive order
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Agenda and Minutes - September 1978

Number of Pages
September 1978

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

This was the agenda and minutes for a September 1978 meeting. The meeting included:

  • announcements
  • an update on the Gay State-wide Support Network
  • updates on Affirmative Action training
  • training in the State Police Academy on sexual minorities issues
  • disucssion about the Prison Rape Project
  • discussion on how the council can support education on Gay Alcoholism
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

PA Rural Gay Caucus Minutes - April 1977

Number of Pages
April 1977

The Pennsylvania Rural Gay Caucus was “an association of interested individuals and groups, formed with the objective of promulgating the concerns and freedoms of gay people and all sexual minorities.”

In these minutes general information is shared, inluding updates on Senate Bill 83 and the sodomy repeal bill, information regarding Anita Bryant, and an update on how Gay Lobby Day went. 

Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection