Snack Bar reopens after delays in renovation push construction into October. Snack Bar exterior still uncompleted as of publish date. Controversy elicited by Red hats, in style similar to those of Wheel and Chain, Raven's Claw, given to campus R.A.s. Hats not to be worn on campus, but are to serve primarily as signs of appreciation. College kicks-off Sexual Education week with Woody Allen movie, speaker series. Dickinsonian editors among those present for briefing of College journalists by Reagan Administration officials. Computer worth $1,595 and two $400 keyboards stolen from Denny basement. Similar thefts likely in future, says Campus Police Director "Lucky" Talbot. Dickinsonian editorial staff critique behavior of College Republicans at recent campus bipartisan political discussion. Outing Club profiled, along with Carlisle theatre group, the Molly Pitcher Players. Women's Center profiled, presented as resource for all students on campus. Men's soccer suffer defeat from Moravian, Women's soccer beats U. of Scranton by two. Football falls 17-9 to Lebanon Valley.

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