Dickinsonian, July 1890

Dickinsonian, July 1890

Incorporators of the Law School meet. Highlights of Commencement Week. Mr. Crowder wins Walkley Senior Oratorical Prize. Belles Lettres Society and UPS hold their annual general meetings. Account of Class Day. Mr. M. P. Sellers and Mr. C. A. Terhune win the freshman oratorical contest. Freshmen hold the annual burlesque. Professor Muchmore resigns as physical instructor; Professor Willard G. Lake replaces him. Beta Theta Pi celebrates its 20th anniversary. Chi Phi holds annual banquet. Phi Kappa Psi holds annual symposium. Sigma Chi holds annual banquet.


Dickinsonian, June 1890

Dickinsonian, June 1890

Professor Rittenhouse resigns. Mr. McAllister wins the Union Philosophical Society's annual oratorical contest. President Reed moves his residence from East College to the new presidential mansion. Union Philosophical Society elects officers. Field Day is held. Turpin, '90, represents Dickinson at the Intercollegiate Athletic Association's field sports competition. A new fraternity, Alpha Zeta Pi, forms. Mr. Hynson wins the Belles Lettres Society's annual sophomore oratorical contest.


Dickinsonian, May 1890

Dickinsonian, May 1890

Glee Club takes performance tour. Belles Lettres Society and Union Philosophical Society hold a debate on tariffs. Senior Class takes a Ride. YMCA elects officers. A bowling tournament is held. YMCA holds joint meeting with the Carlisle YMCA and the Indian School YMCA.


Dickinsonian, April 1890

Dickinsonian, April 1890

Belles Lettres Society elects officers. Athletic Association creates a committee to increase membership. Field Day is reinstated. Dickinson sends representatives to the District YMCA Convention. Emory Hall is prepared to house a new Law School.


Dickinsonian, March 1890

Dickinsonian, March 1890

College plans to reopen a Law School. Glee Club gives concert. Walkley senior oratorical prize created. First annual Mid-Winter Athletic Contest is held.


Dickinsonian, February 1890

Dickinsonian, February 1890

Day of Prayer for colleges is observed with a preacher and prayer meetings. Faculty decides to create an annual Mid-winter Athletic Exhibition. Class of 1892 elects officers.


Dickinsonian, January 1890

Dickinsonian, January 1890

Steam heating installed on campus. Belles Lettres Society renovates and refurnishes its room. W. C. Allison pays college's YMCA debt of $300.


Dickinsonian, December 1889

Dickinsonian, December 1889

The prep school boys continue to use up all the hot water in the gym, leaving none for the college athletes. The Glee Club continues to practice for its performances this year. Lyman Abbott writes a column about the issue of unqualified professors holding positions in the college. This year the Junior class will return to the tradition of publishing the yearly annual. The athletes of the school are encouraged to use the gymnasium facilities to inspire some friendly competition among themselves. The Belles Lettres Society and the Union Philosophical Society each elect new officers.

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Dickinsonian, November 1889

Dickinsonian, November 1889

Students are encouraged to participate regularly in class meetings and events. The two literary societies on campus competed for new members from the Freshmen class. A University of Pennsylvania student supports coeducational institutions. The Glee Club has become a permanent group on campus and has begun practicing for the season. A column urges the women of the college to ignore the harsh comments of the men and continue to strive for academic and social excellence.

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Dickinsonian, October 1889

Dickinsonian, October 1889

The Athletic Association constructs a new constitution that allows it to hold property and protects its rights and privileges. Over the summer there were several improvements made to the college buildings and grounds. Students are urged to patronize those businesses that advertise in The Dickinsonian. This year’s freshman class includes seven women. The Belles Lettres Society, the Union Philosophical Society, the freshman class elect officers. An article defends the merits of American football and talks about this year’s football team.

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