The all-college banquet is announced, although details regarding catering, entertainment, and cost of admission remain unknown. Regardless, it will be the first all-college social event at Dickinson in four years.
Lady Anne Azagapatian addresses the College chapel, speaking specifically on the plight of her native Armenia. Student Senate votes to give the honor system a trial run, with many students remaining skeptical. Senate also grapples with logistics for catering the annual all-college banquet, a popular tradition that Senate earned much criticism for neglecting through the early part of the year. The Press Club is established and meets for the first time.
An extensive piece is written on the merits of Dickinson's missionary program in China, for which the school is raising money. Belles Lettres and the Union Philosophical Society hold their annual Inter-Society Debate, the topic of which is "Should the U.S. Government enact a rigid Japanese exclusion law?" The examination schedule is posted, as the debate over the merit of the honor system persists.
The three-day dramatic festival put on by the Devereux Players is a huge success. Plays performed include "Her Husband's Wife," "The Boor," "Ghosts," and scenes from "Twelfth Night" and "The School for Scandal." Plans to organize a gym team are announced. Belles Lettres elects new officers. 82 freshman men pledge the College's nine fraternities.
The literary societies and Intercollegiate Debating Team hold tryouts. The football team ends its season with a 20-6 loss to Bucknell, after a 35-7 win over Delaware; the team's final record is 4-4-1. Fraternity rush begins.
A vote on the pertinence of the College honor system is proposed. Irishman Seumas McManus addresses the chapel, speaking on his experience as a student of a rural schoolhouse and eventually a large university. The football team ties Haverford 7-7, the same score that the two teams achieved in their game one year prior (to the day).
The 1920 Christmas Seal is released, with all proceeds from its sale going towards charities aiming to eradicate tuberculosis. The football team defeats Gettysburg 7-0.
A three-day dramatic festival officially gets underway, with pledge cards and ticket requests distributed to the student body. The football team, despite enormous support, loses to Gettysburg 7-0.