Dickinsonian, December 2, 1921

Dickinsonian, December 2, 1921

College extension in China campaign, along with many other articles concerning China. John Hays obituary. Dickinson on a "White List" of colleges. Summary and history of West China Union University. Preliminary trials for the inter-collegiate debating teams.

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Dickinsonian, November 26, 1921

Dickinsonian, November 26, 1921

Adelaide Fisher performance at the Orpheum Theater of Harrisburg. Winners of the "D" will receive certificates. Announcement of Dramatic Club productions. Dramatic Club productions. Professor Baumgartner lectures on health. Thanksgiving day reunion of the Camp Moosilauke Lads. Good-English week. Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Beta Theta Pi, Kappa Sigma, and Theta Chi all have Thanksgiving dances. Alpha Chi Rho has a luncheon.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 1921

Dickinsonian, November 19, 1921

Anniversary of the signing of the Armistice. Speaker Colbert N. Kurokawa visits. Resignation of Miss Hartman from women's athletic. Stuckenrath and Weist prizes are awarded. Article on the Women's Athletic Association organized hiking. Collegiate Disarmament Conference in Chicago. Raven's Claw meeting in the Phi Psi house. Press Club smoker in the Theta Chi house. Phi Mu and Pi Beta Phi violated rules.


Dickinsonian, November 12, 1921

Dickinsonian, November 12, 1921

Freshman-sophomore football game ends in tie. Change made to method of selection of Dickinsonian editors. Union Philosophical Society elects officers. Confusion follows merging of men’s and women’s student senates. Women’s Student Senate creates a Pay Day on which all membership fees are due. YWCA creates employment bureau to find paid employment for its members. Q. E. D. initiates new member.


Dickinsonian, November 5, 1921

Dickinsonian, November 5, 1921

Football loses to Gettysburg. Student Friendship Fund holds convention at Dickinson. Rushing season ends and bids are released.

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Dickinsonian, October 29, 1921

Dickinsonian, October 29, 1921

Foreign Students Fund Society holds convention at Dickinson under the leadership of the YWCA. Professor C. E. Smith to instruct the college orchestra. Freshman class elects permanent officers. Student Senate organizes parade to precede football game against Gettysburg. Pi Beta Phi alumnae of Lancaster plan to give trophy to sorority with highest academic achievement each year.


Dickinsonian, October 22, 1921

Dickinsonian, October 22, 1921

Phi Beta Kappa initiates Chief Justice Robert von Moschzisker at Dickinson. Rushing season begins. Press Club publishes articles advertising Dickinson. YWCA installs new members. Phi Kappa Sigma holds founders’ day dance.

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Dickinsonian, October 15, 1921

Dickinsonian, October 15, 1921

All-college picnic is held. Lutheran students form Lutheran Unit. Press Club elects new members. French Club elects officers. YWCA makes membership drive.


Dickinsonian, October 8, 1921

Dickinsonian, October 8, 1921

All-college picnic is prepared. Phi Mu sets up fund to support sending a delegate to the annual YWCA convention. Ministerial Association elects officers. Press Club elects officers. Metzger Hall obtains a dog named Dickinson Metzger. Kappa Sigma holds annual Fall house party. Sigma Chi holds pledge dance. Epworth League holds large reception. Freshman class elects temporary officers.

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Dickinsonian, October 1, 1921

Dickinsonian, October 1, 1921

All-college picnic planned. Leon Simonetti ’24 is elected leader of the College Orchestra. Sophomores win annual flag scrap. Football season begins. YWCA begins service project assisting girls in Appalachia. Rushing schedule. Belles Lettres elects officers. Student Senate elects cheer leaders.



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