Atari Lab Computer Start-up Kit, c.1980

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00351
Shelf 17

An Atari Lab starter kit developed by Priscilla Laws at Dickinson College in the early 1980's. The box set includes a catalogue and various lab equipement for young learners. What is shown includes the catalogue, an introduction information sheet, and the packaging box. Other items in the kit are currently on display and are not shown here.

Football Schedule t-shirt, 1988

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00677
Shelf 22 (housed with AC 00678-00681)

White t-shirt printed with “Watch the Devils…” and football schedule on front and “Explode” and list of opponents’ names on back.


Pewter Cup, 1988

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00517
Shelf 27 (housed with AC 00592)

Pewter cup with no handles, engraved with college seal and “The John Dickinson Society 1988.”


Sports Facility Privilege Card, c.1980

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00740
Shelf 25 (housed with AC 00741, AC 00744, AC 00745)

This Sports Facility Privilege Card entitled holder, Russell (Rusty) Shunk, the ability to use the Alumni Gymnasium. On the reverse side, of this pink laminated paper card, was designated to include family members who were also given access. The card number is 225 and expired on September 1,1981.


Chamber Choir Pin, 1985

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00448
Shelf 25 (housed with AC 00418-00422, AC 00449, AC 00484, AC 00488, AC 00541)

Chamber Choir Pin from 1985, donated by Truman Bullard, Professor of Music and director of the Chamber Choir.


Coro Stelutis plaque, 1988

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00081
Shelf 3 (housed with AC 00058 - AC 00088, AC 00507, AC 00590, AC 00607, AC 00735)

Bronze plaque with Bolognese skyline, mounted on blue velvet in a navy blue case.  The plaque was a gift from Coro Stelutis, a choir group from Bologna, Italy to President A. Lee Fritschler in 1988. 

Coro Stelutis Plaque, 1983

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00082
Shelf 3 (housed with 00058-00088, 00507, 00590, 00607, 00735)

Bronze Plaque featuring the Archigymnasium Bononiense mounted in grey in a grey box. Coro Stelutis is a choir group from Bologna Italy that preformed at Dickinson College.

Coro Stelutis Plaque, 1988

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00083
Shelf 3 (housed with 00058-00088, 00507, 00590, 00607, 00735)

Gold plaque inscribed to President A. Lee Fritschler mounted on blue velvet in a faux snakeskin box.  A gift to President Fritschler from Coro Stelutis.