Dickinson College Sweatshirt, 1988
A red cotton fleece hoodless pullover sweatshirt with the college seal and "Dickinson" in white with a black outline.
A red cotton fleece hoodless pullover sweatshirt with the college seal and "Dickinson" in white with a black outline.
An Atari Lab starter kit developed by Priscilla Laws at Dickinson College in the early 1980's. The box set includes a catalogue and various lab equipement for young learners. What is shown includes the catalogue, an introduction information sheet, and the packaging box. Other items in the kit are currently on display and are not shown here.
Certificate awarded posthumously on Sept. 27, 1980 to William F. Patton, a member of the Class of 1892, for his participation in football and baseball from 1888 to 1892.
Certificate awarded posthumously on Sept. 27, 1980 to Charles Oscar Ford, a member of the Class of 1898, for his participation in football from 1894 to 1898.
Round, white button distributed at Orientation 1985. In red reads: "Dickinson College Class of ’89."
White boxer shorts printed in red with “You can’t resist the temptation” and a worm coming out of an apple.
Pewter cup with no handles, engraved with college seal and “The John Dickinson Society 1988.”
Wedgwood plaque of Joseph Priestley medallion.
Copper key inscribed with name of Lisa Kirifidesas a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 1982.
This Sports Facility Privilege Card entitled holder, Russell (Rusty) Shunk, the ability to use the Alumni Gymnasium. On the reverse side, of this pink laminated paper card, was designated to include family members who were also given access. The card number is 225 and expired on September 1,1981.
Chamber Choir Pin from 1985, donated by Truman Bullard, Professor of Music and director of the Chamber Choir.
Red cotton and acrylic Dickinson sweatshirt with white letters and the college seal.
White T-shirt produced by DARE (Dickinsonians Advocating Resourcefulness with Our Environment) to celebrate Earthweek 1989.
A red polo shirt with "Dickinson Jazz Ensemble" in white lettering.
Orange cotton t-shirt with black surfing devil logo and lettering for Springfest 1981.
Brown felt banner with “Gamma Phi Beta”, “1980” and stars sewn on in yellow felt. Sorority members' names are stitched on the stars.
Bronze medal with vignettes of the University of Bologna and Latin inscription on reverse. Given to Dickinson by the University.
Bronze Plaque featuring the Achigymnasium Bononiense mounted on blue velvet in a navy blue case. Given to Dickinson College by the City of Bologna.
Bronze plaque with Bolognese skyline, mounted on blue velvet in a navy blue case. The plaque was a gift from Coro Stelutis, a choir group from Bologna, Italy to President A. Lee Fritschler in 1988.
Bronze Plaque featuring the Archigymnasium Bononiense mounted in grey in a grey box. Coro Stelutis is a choir group from Bologna Italy that preformed at Dickinson College.
Gold plaque inscribed to President A. Lee Fritschler mounted on blue velvet in a faux snakeskin box. A gift to President Fritschler from Coro Stelutis.
Photo of the 1988 Red Devil Football Team and plate mounted on a wood plaque commemorating the team’s Centennial Conference championship and participation in the E.C.A.C. South Bowl in 1988.
Wooden plaque with the name of the United Way Champion of the Gamma Phi Beta and Rax Restaurant “Rax-a-Thon” for 1982. The Student Government received the recognition.