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White boxer shorts printed in red with “You can’t resist the temptation” and a worm coming out of an apple.
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00681
Location: Shelf 22 (housed with AC 00677-00680)
Subject: Boxer Shorts, Adams Hall
Format: Clothing
Red, cotton dink with "36" embroidered on the front. Created for a reunion of the class of 1936, which was most likely the 50th reunion in 1986.
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00824
Location: Shelf 20 (housed with AC 00825)
Subject: Dink, Reunion, 50th Reunion
Format: Hats
A white cotton armband with "Total Divestment Now" written in blue marker, used during protest of South African investments.
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00301
Location: Shelf 20 (housed with AC 00297-00308)
Subject: Armband, Student Protests
Format: Ephemera
A white t-shirt, size large, with a colorful design on the front. It appears to be a line of dancers. Below the image reads the inscription "Arts House '82."
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00926
Location: Shelf 19
Subject: T-shirt, Student Life
Format: Clothing
A plaque, from the Association for Retarded Citizen of the United States, of the Special Recognition Award, presented to the Lorimar Productions Company in 1986. It commemorates Philip Caprice's (Class of 1952) work on the television show "Dallas."
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 2016.4_05
Location: Shelf 40 (Box 2)
Subject: Honors and Awards, Plaque, Film Award
Format: Plaques/Trophies
An Atari Lab starter kit developed by Priscilla Laws at Dickinson College in the early 1980's. The box set includes a catalogue and various lab equipement for young learners. What is shown includes the catalogue, an introduction information sheet, and the packaging box. Other items in the kit are currently on display and are not shown here.
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00351
Location: Shelf 17
Subject: computer starter kit, Science
Format: Miscellaneous, Scientific Equipment
Blue t-shirt with a yellow design on the front with two women and the description "1884-1984, We've come a long way! 100 years of women at Dickinson." It was likely commissioned for the annual Homecoming celebration.
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00899
Location: Shelf 20 (with AC 00901, AC 00891, AC 00892)
Subject: Women's History, Women's Organizations, T-shirt, Homecoming
Format: Clothing
Bronze Plaque featuring the Achigymnasium Bononiense mounted on blue velvet in a navy blue case. Given to Dickinson College by the City of Bologna.
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00080
Location: Shelf 3 (housed with AC 00058-00088, AC 00507, AC 00590, AC 00607, AC 00735)
Subject: Honors and Awards, Study Abroad, Plaque
Format: Plaques/Trophies
A black tam-style cap with a gold tassel and a red, yellow, and blue hood worn by Stephanie Larson, Professor of Political Science at Dickinson College.
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00710
Location: Shelf 17
Subject: Academic Regalia, Hood
Format: Clothing
Chamber Choir Pin from 1985, donated by Truman Bullard, Professor of Music and director of the Chamber Choir.
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00448
Location: Shelf 25 (housed with AC 00418-00422, AC 00449, AC 00484, AC 00488, AC 00541)
Subject: Pins
Format: Pins/Buttons
A glass mug with a design of the West College door and steps on the front with text over top of it. The mug belonged to Daniel Heisey as a member of the class of 1988.
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00140
Location: Shelf 21 (housed with 00139)
Subject: Mug
Format: Glassware/Ceramics
Coca Cola glass from the Collegiate College Crest collection featuring a Red Devil and the official Dickinson College crest.
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00883
Location: Shelf 26 (housed with AC 00885, AC 00889)
Format: Glassware/Ceramics
A rectangular wooden award plaque with gold-tone medal reading "Westinghouse Corp Pennsylvania Electric Assoc." above a metal plate reading "Participant Seventh Annual College Debates on Energy 1987-88" in black text. This award was given to Jennifer Holm (Class of 1989) for her participation in the Westinghouse/Pennsylvania Electric College Debate on Energy. Her yellow and white name tag pin from the event is also included. It reads "Pennsylvania College Energy Debates, Jennifer Holm, Debater" in black text.
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00527
Location: Shelf 18 (housed with AC 00522 - AC 00526)
Subject: Plaque, Nametag, Energy Debates
Format: Pins/Buttons, Plaques/Trophies
A plaque for the Lorimar Production Company in commemoration of the 200th episode of Dallas in 1982. Philip Capice (Class of 1952) was an executive producer on the show. The image in the middle of the plaque is the medallion which commemorated the same event (AC 2016.4_13).
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 2016.4_04
Location: Shelf 40 (Box 2)
Subject: Honors and Awards, Film Award
Format: Plaques/Trophies
A silver metal button with "Coro Stelutis/Bologna" in red over a white flower in the background. It was given as a gift from the Bolognese choir in 1983.
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00216
Location: Shelf 17 (housed with 00194, 00206-00208)
Subject: Button
Format: Pins/Buttons
Bronze Plaque featuring the Archigymnasium Bononiense mounted in grey in a grey box. Coro Stelutis is a choir group from Bologna Italy that preformed at Dickinson College.
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00082
Location: Shelf 3 (housed with 00058-00088, 00507, 00590, 00607, 00735)
Subject: Commemorative Plaque
Format: Plaques/Trophies
Bronze plaque with Bolognese skyline, mounted on blue velvet in a navy blue case. The plaque was a gift from Coro Stelutis, a choir group from Bologna, Italy to President A. Lee Fritschler in 1988.
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00081
Location: Shelf 3 (housed with AC 00058 - AC 00088, AC 00507, AC 00590, AC 00607, AC 00735)
Subject: Honors and Awards, Commemorative Plaque
Format: Plaques/Trophies
Gold plaque inscribed to President A. Lee Fritschler mounted on blue velvet in a faux snakeskin box. A gift to President Fritschler from Coro Stelutis.
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00083
Location: Shelf 3 (housed with 00058-00088, 00507, 00590, 00607, 00735)
Subject: Honors and Awards
Format: Plaques/Trophies
White T-shirt produced by DARE (Dickinsonians Advocating Resourcefulness with Our Environment) to celebrate Earthweek 1989.
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00034
Location: Shelf 9 (housed with AC 00033-00041, AC 00467)
Subject: T-shirt, Earthweek, Sustainability
Format: Clothing
A white plastic Frisbee with red text that reads, "1984 DICKINSON COLLEGE PHONATHON VOLUNTEER", given to Phonathon volunteers.
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00045
Location: Shelf 21 (housed with 00001, 00265-6, 00600, 00683)
Subject: Frisbee, Donor Relations
Format: Miscellaneous
A Carlisle Borough Municipal Authority article mounted on a black wooden plaque with gold trim featuring the Dickinson College Project Revenue Bond, Series 1981.
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00122
Location: Shelf 17 (housed with 00123, 00124)
Subject: Plaque
Format: Plaques/Trophies
A Carlisle Borough Municipal Authority article mounted on a black plaque with gold trim featuring the Dickinson College Project Revenue Bonds, Series 1982.
Artifact/Collection Number: AC 00124
Location: Shelf 17 (housed with 00122, 00123)
Subject: Plaque
Format: Plaques/Trophies