"55 for '36 in '91" Dickinson Button, 1991
A round red metal pin with the text "55 FOR '36 IN '91" in white. This item belonged to Ruth Trout, class of 1936.
A round red metal pin with the text "55 FOR '36 IN '91" in white. This item belonged to Ruth Trout, class of 1936.
A sorority pin made of wood featuring the greek letters of the Pi Beta Phi Fraternity. This item was owned by Ruth Trout, class of 1936.
A circular gold metal pin with black, green, blue, white and red enamel. In the center is a black enameled star with the United States seal in gold, blue, white and red. Surrounding the star are green enameled leaves. This object belonged to Charles M. Steese, ex-class of 1907.
A Loyal Legion pin worn by John Hays (II), class of 1857, on his jacket lapel. One side of the pin is covered in red, white, and blue fabric, with red, white and blue bow in the center. On the reverse side is a metal silver button with the engraved text "U.S. Patent 1888 France".
Two pin and ribbon sets of silver pendants with black silk ribbons, and a set of cufflinks from the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. These sets belonged to Flint Kellogg.
Four member pins belonging to Leon Cushing Prince as a member of the Pennsylvania State Senate from 1929 to 1936. Three of the pins are gold with blue enamel and the state seal from 1930-1931, 1933-1934, and 1935-1936. The last pin is a gold keystone-shaped pin in red and white enamel from 1929. The pins from 1929 and 1930-31 are marked "W & H CO." on the back. The 1933-34 pin is marked "ROBBINS CO. ATTLEBORO." The 1934-35 pin is marked "S. E. EBY CO. PHILA."
Four gold tone buttons with the navy emblem in a small canvas drawstring bag with "547138 Navy" printed in black ink.
President William Durden's Dickinson College Freshman red beanie (“dink”) with "71" on the back in white and "A-1" written in black marker on the front. A name tag with the college seal and "Dickinson College" in red and "William Durden" in black, and a red and white student ID with a student photo on the back, all from 1967.
A rectangular wooden award plaque with gold-tone medal reading "Westinghouse Corp Pennsylvania Electric Assoc." above a metal plate reading "Participant Seventh Annual College Debates on Energy 1987-88" in black text. This award was given to Jennifer Holm (Class of 1989) for her participation in the Westinghouse/Pennsylvania Electric College Debate on Energy. Her yellow and white name tag pin from the event is also included. It reads "Pennsylvania College Energy Debates, Jennifer Holm, Debater" in black text.
Two orange buttons the black text 'Dr. E. O. Wilson "The Future of Life" Thursday, October 19th, Dickinson College 2000 Priestley Award' situated around an image of three ants and a DNA strand in the center.
A red felt Freshman Beanie ("dink") with "71" on the back in white and a Dickinson College Name Tag with the name "Michael Trachtman" typed in black under the college seal and "Dickinson College" in red. Trachtman is a member of the Class of 1971.
A round white metal button with Dickinson's 225th anniversary red and white logo of Old West with "Science at Dickinson 1-800-644-1773" in red below it.
A round white metal button with the college's compass rose insignia and "Science at Dickinson" in red.
A round white metal button with "I love (red heart symbol) Carlisle" in black lettering.
Two round white metal pins with the image of West College in red and the text "Dickinson 1773-1998 Celebrating 225 Years" in white and black.
Two rectangular buttons from the 2004 presidential election campaign. "Rush the Vote, Dickinson College 2004" is printed in white around the picture of the statue of Benjamin Rush. "Your Vote Counts" is printed in red in a circle on the lower left corner.
Thirteen round metal buttons of various size featuring the annual Public Affairs Symposium title and dates. Two buttons for the United Nations Symposium (1995), three buttons for the Environment Symposium (1990), one button for the PAS Sport Symposium (1987), two buttons for the American Education Symposium (1988), one button for the Contemporary Family (1989), two buttons for the Media Symposium (1994), and two buttons for the Poverty in America Symposium (1992).
Three teal and white round metal buttons with "1991, Metzger-Conway Series, October 16-18" in white and grey.
A silver metal button with "Coro Stelutis/Bologna" in red over a white flower in the background. It was given as a gift from the Bolognese choir in 1983.
One football shaped golden pin with a white ribbon. One football shaped button with "Dickinson Get Gettysburg" in black lettering with a red ribbon.
An oval shaped metal football button with "Dickinson Beat Gettysburg" in black lettering. Attached to the back of the button is a red and white tassel.
Three small white buttons (one with red and white ribbon) with the red college seal and number. Belonged to Edgar Heckman and Carl Stoner.
A gold rectangular pin with a paper insert "George Shuman, Da Zeta" written in black pen attached to a red silk ribbon with "Council Convention District II, N. C. Alpha, Phi Kappa Psi, April 29- May 1, 1937, Delegate" in black lettering.
Three small round white pins with the image of West College and 'Dickinson College, "Old West" 1783-1908' in black lettering. Red ribbon is attached to the back of pins.
A gold rectangular pin with the typed name and hometown of James Clair McCullough, attached to an orange ribbon with "50th Reunion, Class of 1909, Dickinson College Carlisle, Pa., June 5-6-7, 1959" in black letters.