Life Work Week

Date of Event
Mon., May 19, 1919

In a life service campaign directed by the YMCA, a series of speeches emphasizing the necessity of finding and obeying God's will for each life, and of living the life, in whatever vocation that will be of the most service to the world was given. Interviews were offered to those who wished for individual instruction.

Series of Talks for Week of Prayer

Date of Event
Tue., Feb. 25, 1919

Rev. Sumwalk of the Grace Methodist Episcopal Church have a talk on the Centenary Movement of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The movement focuses on the evangelization of the entire world and transcends denominational boundaries in Christianity. He gave another speech on Christ's Temptation. Mrs. St. John of Tientsin, China, gave a lecture on the topic of missions in China. Rev. Feton gave a talk emphasizes the need for leadership in both foreign and domestic missionary work.


Date of Event
Sun., Sep. 27, 1931

The YMCA and YWCA cooperated to put on a vespers service in front of Old West on Sunday, September 27th.  Approximately 100 students and faculty attended the service, which focused on the life of St. Francis of Assisi and its meaning today.

Women's Choral Club Performs "A Musical Vesper Service"

Date of Event
Sun., Jun. 7, 1936

The Women's Choral Club performed A Musical Vesper Service at 8:15pm in the Allison Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church during commencement weekend. For the first part of the program, they sang Rosselli's "Adoramus Te", Thompson's "A Ballad of the Stork", Bach's "My Heart Ever Faithful", and Debussy's "Clair de Lune". Part two of the program featured "music of the colonization period of America": "Let People That on Earth Do Dwell", "Nymphs and Shepherds", "Trip a Trop", "Preguntale a las Estrallas", "Ladira", and "Evening Prayer".