Dickinsonian, November 5, 2009

The H1N1 vaccine arrives to the Dickinson Health Center. Two students, Jillian Laux and Erica Hartz, present their research work in Harrisburg. The future of Phi Psi is uncertain. Women's Lacrosse team adopts a stray puppy. Men's Soccer wins against McDaniel College and ties with Franklin and Marshall in order to head to the Postseason. Women's Soccer defeats Washington College. Cross Country performs well in the Centennial Conference Championships, allowing them to compete at the NCAA Mideast Regionals. Football defeats Muhlenberg.


Dickinsonian, October 8, 2009

Student Senate has allocated $5,000 for sexual assault awareness. Students test positive for H1N1. Details of upcoming Homecoming Weekend. Women's Tennis wins its two Fall season matches. Men's Soccer is nationally ranked. Women's Volleyball defeats Johns Hopkins. Football team remains undefeated. Field Hockey wins against Muhlenberg. Women's Soccer also defeats Muhlenberg.


Dickinsonian, September 21, 1995

The national ranking of Dickinson College moves into the highest tier. Articles on the deaths of two faculty members, Amy Snow and Kurt Bair. The Classics Department receives a generous endowment of one million and thirty-four thousand dollars given by the Roberts Family. A petition from Earth Now circulates campus asking for the support of students against nuclear testing. The Clarke Center sponsors a panel to discuss the recent Bosnian tragedy. Professor Ronald Takaki of University of California, Berkeley guest lectures on multiculturalism in America.


Dickinsonian, December 6, 1979

Daughter of late General Joseph Warren Stilwell, Nancy Stilwell Easterbrook speaks about China. Dean Leonard S. Goldberg reacts to multiple student assaults on campus. Coalition of Private University Students (COPUS) strives to improve the student finance gap. Professors Lonna Malmsheimer, Julius and Melissa Kassovic, and Dan Bechtel visit Three Mile Island and analyze the nuclear accident. Professor Richard Pfau gives a lecture on the current Iran Crisis. Fresh ideas and hard work strengthen Dickinson's theater program. Men's Basketball defeats Muhlenberg.
