Senator L.E. McComas ('66) passes away. Phi Delta Theta holds Province Convention in Carlisle for several chapters from the U.S. and Canada.
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Senator L.E. McComas ('66) passes away. Phi Delta Theta holds Province Convention in Carlisle for several chapters from the U.S. and Canada.
Moncure D. Conway passes away in Paris. He was supposed to have returened to the United States on the day of his death. He was en route from Scotland after visiting his friend Andrew Carnegie. Y.W.C.A hosts a meeting with the Y.M.C.A.
A review of the Football Season by Coach Pipal. Pennington Club organized. President of Princeton, Woodrow Wilson fails for the time being to reorganize his school.
Dickinson becomes a member of the Intercollegiate Track Athletic Association. Tablet to Daniel W. McCurdy placed in Trinity Church of Clearfield, PA. Comus Club holds dance. Walter Wells Hoover writes from Sudan about African Farming.