Marian Brandt, 1935
Marian Brandt is a member of the Class of 1935.
Ruth E. Burr, 1935
Ruth E. Burr is a member of the Class of 1935.
Clarence J. Carver, c.1935
Education professor Clarence Johnson Carver, a member of the Class of 1909, around 1935.
Grace E. Carver, c.1935
Grace E. Carver is a member of the Class of 1937.
Class of 1900 Gateway, c.1935
Carl Uriah Clevenger, 1935
Carl Uriah Clevenger is a member of the Class of 1935.
Coaching During Football Practice, c.1935
A coach instructs players during a football practice around 1935.
Fred Pierce Corson, c.1935
View as President Fred Pierce Corson (left) stands beside trustee James Henry Morgan (center) and President of the Board of Trustees, Boyd Lee Spahr (right).
Corson is Class of 1917, Morgan is Class of 1878, and Spahr is Class of 1900.
Forrest Eugene Craver, c.1935
Dickinson Coach and Greek Professor Forrest Eugene Craver is a member of the Class of 1899.
Bernadette DeFalco, 1935
Bernadette DeFalco is a member of the Class of 1935.
Matthew A. DeLaney, c.1935
Matthew A. DeLaney receives an honorary Doctor of Science in 1935.
Dorothy Coleman Dout, 1935
Dorothy Coleman Dout is a member of the Class of 1935.
Carlyle R. Earp, c.1935
Carlyle R. Earp is a member of the Class of 1914.
Dorothy Louella Edwards, 1935
Dorothy Louella Edwards is a member of the Class of 1935.
Edwin F. Fellenbaum, c.1935
Edwin Frankland Fellenbaum (right) is a member of the Class of 1938. The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: "Fellenbaum and Shuman"
Edwin F. Fellenbaum, c.1935
Edwin Frankland Fellenbaum (right) is a member of the Class of 1938. The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: "Lidle and F. Fellenbaum"
Field Hockey Team, 1935
Dickinson's field hockey team, who win the Hockey Cup during the 1935 season.
Cornelius W. Fink, c.1935
Economics and Political Science professor Cornelius Fink, around 1935.
Elizabeth Dunbar Flower, 1935
Elizabeth D. Flower poses for a graduation photo in 1935.
Football Team, 1935
The football team of 1935 poses for a group photograph.
First row from left to right: Carl Larson, Jack Frederick, Charles Thrush, Chet. Gains, Bill Ackerman, George Shuman, Charles Kocevar, and Paul Kiehl
Second row from left to right: Jim Taylor, Bob Grainger, Clarence B. Hendrickson, Herman Asin, Ray Lowery, David Weimer, Harold Binder, and Carl Binder
Third row from left to right: William Kurtzhalz, William Oberdick, Ray Shore, Klein Merryman, Vance Smith, Harold Adams, and Pete Sivess
Fourth row from left to right: Dick Radley, Richard MacAndrews, A. D. Kahler, and John Clark
This image is #239 of the oversized photograph collection.
Football Team, 1935
The 1935 football team poses for a group photograph.
Front row from left to right: Carl Larson, Jack Frederick, Charles Thrush, Chet. Gaines, Capt. Bill Ackerman, Geo. Shuman, Cas. Kocevar, and Paul Kiehl.
Second row from left to right: Jim Taylor, Bob Grainger, Clarence Hendrickson, Heran Asin, Ray Lowery, David Weimer, Harold Binder, and Carl Binder.
Third row from left to right: William Kurtzhalz, William Oberdick, Ray Shore, Klein Merryman, Vance Smith, Harold Adams, and Pete Sivess.
Fourth from left to right: Dick Radley, Richard MacAndrews, and A. D. Kahler, and John Clark.
This image is #239 of the oversized photograph collection.
Football Team, 1935
The 1935 football team posing for a picture.
First row: Carl A. Larson, Jack H. Frederick, Charles G. Thrush, Chester R. Gaines, William Ackerman (Captain), George Shuman, Charles J. Kocevar, Paul V. Kiehl
Second row: James E. Taylor, Robert R. Grainger, Clarence B. Hendrickson Jr., Herman Asin, Raymond F. Lowery, David E. Weimer, Harold E. Binder, Charles M. Binder
Third row: William E. Kurtzhalz, William J. Oberdick, Raymond J. Shore, Klein S. "Steve" Merriman, Vance L. Smith, Harold E. Adams, Peter Sivess
Christian Victor Graf, 1935
Christian Victor Graf is a member of the Class of 1939.
Edgar Rohrer Heckman, 1935
View of trustee Edgar Rohrer Heckman (second row, far right), a member of the Class of 1897, in academic regalia with members of the Board of Trustees and other college administrators in 1935.
Boyd Lee Spahr (Class of 1900), Gilbert Malcolm (Class of 1915), and William Wilcox Edel (Class of 1915) are standing on the far left. President Fred Pierce Corson is at the center of the first row. Former President James H. Morgan (Class of 1878) is in the second row on the right.