Drayer Hall cornerstone laying ceremony, 1951

President William W. Edel, History Professor Whitfield J. Bell Jr. ('35), Superintendent of grounds and buildings George Shuman Jr. ('37), and acting Dean of Women Mary M. Kellogg at the cornerstone laying ceremony for Drayer Hall on March 8, 1951. They were placing a time capsule into the cornerstone.

Photograph Archives
Events and Activities

Presentation of the Mace, 1951

The presentation of the college mace during a special convocation on October 13, 1951.

Left to right: Frank E. Masland, Jr. ('18), Herbert Wing, Jr., Ernest A. Vuilleumier, and President William W. Edel ('15).

Photograph Archives
Events and Activities

Homecoming spirit display by Alpha Chi Rho, 1951

Alpha Chi Rho fraternity brothers create this team spirit display for the Homecoming game against Johns Hopkins on November 10, 1951.  The display depicts a large red devil rolling a die that is about to crush the Johns Hopkins mascot (a blue jay). The caption for the display reads "The die is cast."
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Events and Activities
Groups and Organizations