Alumni Gymnasium construction, 1927
Alumni Gymnasium groundbreaking ceremony, 1927
View of the groundbreaking ceremony held for the Alumni Gymnasium in 1927.
Alumni Gymnasium, c.1930
Alumni Gymnasium, c.1930
Alumni Gymnasium basketball court, c.1930
View of the Alumni Gymnasium's basketball court around 1930.
Alumni Gymnasium covered in snow, c.1930
Alumni Gym, 1934
View of the Alumni gymnasium in 1934.
This image is #65 of the oversized photograph collection.
Alumni Gym, 1934
View of the Alumni gymnasium in 1934.
This image is #66 of the oversized photograph collection.
Alumni Gym, 1934
View of the Alumni gymnasium in 1934.
This image is #64 of the oversized photograph collection.
Crowded Gymnasium, c.1940
A crowd of spectators gather for a men's basketball game between Dickinson and Bucknell University in the Alumni Gymnasium around 1940.
Volleyball Team, c.1940
The Volleyball team plays in the Alumni gymnasium around 1940.
Alumni Gymnasium, c.1943
View of the Alumni Gymnasium around 1943. The sign in front of the building reads "Military Reservation Restricted."
Gymnasium locker room, 1944
View of 32nd Army Air cadets in the gymnasium locker room in 1944.
Alumni Gymnasium tennis courts, c.1945
View of several tennis courts behind the Alumni Gymnasium around 1945. All but one of the courts were removed during the construction of South College in 1948.
Alumni Gymnasium, c.1950
Homecoming weekend, 1951
View as a crowd eats a meal inside the Alumni Gymnasium during Homecoming weekend in fall 1951.
Alumni Luncheon at Homecoming, 1952
View of a large crowd in the Alumni Gymnasium at the Alumni Luncheon during Homecoming weekend on November 8, 1952.
Class of 1930 wearing feathered hats, 1955
Wearing feathered headdresses the Class of 1930 is seated in Alumni Gymnasium during their Twenty-fifth reunion in June 1955.
Commencement, 1955
Students enter the Alumni Gymnasium for Commencement on June 12, 1955.
Alumni Gymnasium pool, 1956
Members of the Men's Swim team in the Alumni Gymnasium pool in 1956.
Alumni Gymnasium, c.1960
View of the Alumni Gymnasium around 1960.
Alumni Gymnasium, c.1960
President Rubendall, 1962
President Howard L. Rubendall speaks to a group in the Alumni Gymnasium in 1962.
Alumni Gymnasium, c.1965
View of the Alumni Gymnasium through the Class of 1902 Gateway in the fall, circa 1965.