Honorary Degree recipients, 1964

A group shot inside of Old West of the honorary degree recipients and their sponsors at Commencement on June 7, 1964. 

Seated from left to right: Charles Law McCabe, C.D. Jackson, Marchette Chute, President Howard L. Rubendall, Whitfield J. Bell, Jr., Bishop Newel Snow Booth, and Reverend Leslie Davison.  All except President Rubendall ('31) are honorary degree recipients. 

Standing from left to right: Professor Horace E. Rogers ('24), Rolland L. Adams, Professor William R. Bowden, Roy R. Kuebler, Jr., Reverend Lester A Welliver, and Glenn E. Todd.

Photograph Archives
Events and Activities

Honorary Degree recipients, 1965

A group photograph of honorary degree recipients (sitting) and their sponsors at Commencement on June 6, 1965. 

Seated from left to right:  John M. Hoerner ('31), Dr. Mary D. Ames, President Howard L. Rubendall ('31), Nathan M. Pusey, Judge Robert Lee Jacobs ('32), and Dean Charles Wesley Ranson.  Everyone seated except President Rubendall were the honorary degree recipients

Standing from left to right: Glenn E. Todd ('12), Helen Douglass Gallagher ('26), Samuel W. Witwer ('30), Robert E. Woodside ('26), and Reverend F. LaMont Henninger ('24)

Photograph Archives
Events and Activities

Honorary Degree recipients, 1968

A group photo of the honorary degree recipients and their sponsors at Commencement on June 2, 1968.

Seated from left to right: John H. Franklin, James B. Reston, Myron F. Wicke, President Howard Lane Rubendall ('31), Germaine Bree, and John Lear.  Everyone except President Rubendall is a honorary degree recipients.

Standing from left to right: Flint Kellogg, Paul Kaylor, Henry Yeagley, Paul F. Angiolillo, and Ray H. Crist ('20).

Dickinson College Photographic Service
Photograph Archives
Events and Activities

Honorary Degree recipients, 1967

A group photo of the honorary degree recipients and their sponsors at Commencement on June 4, 1967.

Seated from left to right: Frederick K. Miller, John H Sibben Jr., President Howard Lane Rubendall ('31), Prince Albert Taylor, and Sidney D. Ripley II.  Everyone except President Rubendall is a honorary degree recipients.

Standing from left to right: Professor Joseph Schiffmann, Elmer C. Herber, Harry Booth, and Milton E. Flower ('31)

Dickinson College Photographic Service
Photograph Archives
Events and Activities

Honorary Degree recipients, 1970

Honorary degree recipients and their sponsors pose for a group photograph during Commencement on May 24, 1970.

Standing from Left to Right: Professor Joseph Schiffman, Professor Horace Rogers ('24), Professor Paul Kaylor, Professor William Dornemann, and Professor Dan Bechtel.

Seated from Left to Right: Jay S. Redding, Samuel W. Witwer ('30), Tom Grey Wicker, President Howard Lane Rubendall ('31), William Stringfellow, and Nelson Glueck.

Dickinson College Photographic Service
Photograph Archives
Events and Activities