Virginia Louise McClellan, 1942
Virginia Louise McClellan is a member of the Class of 1942.
Virginia Louise McClellan is a member of the Class of 1942.
The 1942 men's basketball team poses for a picture.
Sarah Loomis Mohler is a member of the Class of 1942.
Nancy Joan Nailor is a member of the Class of 1942.
Elizabeth Winnefred Parkinson is a member of the Class of 1942.
Barbara Susan Rohr is a member of the Class of 1942.
Skull and Key members in 1942.
Ruth Arlene Stover is a member of the Class of 1942.
View as Leonard Peter Supulski (Class of 1942) catches a football.
The Women's Swim team sit on a diving board in 1942.
Vincent Yarahes is a member of the Class of 1942.
Dickinson and Franklin & Marshall College play a game on January 21, 1942, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the beginnings of basketball. Here, Coach Richard Henry MacAndrews and Captain John R. Neiman from Dickinson greet Coach J. Shober Barr and Captain Warren Hamscher of Franklin & Marshall.
Dickinson defeats Franklin & Marshall 57-49 in the game.
Dr. Julia Morgan (Class of 1911) receives an honorary degree at Commencement on June 1, 1942.
Left to Right: President Fred Pierce Corson (Class of 1917) ; Dr. Julia Morgan ; [unknown]
View of the Alumni Gymnasium around 1943. The sign in front of the building reads "Military Reservation Restricted."
Wilbur LaJesse Campbell is a member of the Class of 1943.
Frank S. Cannova Jr. is a member of the Class of 1943.
Ruth Rhinehart Cardell is a member of the Class of 1943.
Mary Elizabeth Comly is a member of the Class of 1943.
Wendell P. Crabbe is a member of the Class of 1943.
John Joseph Curran is a member of the Class of 1943.
Aline Mildred Cutler is a member of the Class of 1943.
John Fred Ditmann is a member of the Class of 1943.
Mary Elizabeth Fields is a member of the Class of 1943.
Earnest A. Fockler Jr. is a member of the Class of 1943.
Emma Marie Gardiner is a member of the Class of 1943.