Dickinsonian, November 30, 1904

John Paul Davis is elected captain of the football team for the 1905 season. The Y.M.C.A attends the district convention.  Construction continues on Denny Hall and a new brick walk way is laid between West College and East College.  Delta Chi holds their fall banquet.


Dickinsonian, October 27, 1934

The football team wins against Allegheny by the wide margin of 21-0. The freshmen football team wins against the Carlisle Y.M.C.A team. A tea is held in honor of the president’s wife, Mrs. Frances Corson. The Archaeological Institute of America claims that the college is in possession of a very valuable stone sarcophagus. A search concluded that such a gift was indeed presented to the college, but it had been removed some time ago. The number of freshmen pledged to fraternities totals twenty-one. The Senate names a new chairman of the Senate Tribunal Committee.
