Pride '78 Resolutions - April 7 - 9, 1978
List of resolutions introduced from Pride '78, a statewide gay rights conference, with notes on which were passed, amended, or failed.
List of resolutions introduced from Pride '78, a statewide gay rights conference, with notes on which were passed, amended, or failed.
Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.
In this issue, it is shared that unless HOW an form a steering committee, the organization is planning to dissolve, and that the last meeting will be in March if the steering committee is not able to be formed.
Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.
In this issue, plans for future events are discussed, specifically looking for members who would be willing to speak at events in Williamsport. There is an update on Dan Maneval’s harassment concerns, and a reminder that dues are important to help HOW to survive and grow as a group.
Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.
This issue includes a brief overview of Here’s How and questionnaire to gain member feedback on the organizations activities over the past three years. There is also another update on Dan Maneval’s neighborhood harassment experience.
Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.
In this issues, discussion on Governor Richard Thornburgh's decision to keep the Governors Counscil on Sexual Minorities is discussed, as well as Pride '79, and an update on Dan Manevla's neighborhood harrasment concerns.
Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.
Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.
In this issue, the lack of member participation is addressed and ideas on moving forward are expressed.
Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.
In this issue, Dan Maneval shares the harassment he is experiencing after the Bloomberg State Fair rally, which will impact future HOW meetings.
Homophiles of Williamsport (HOW) was founded in 1975 to be an educational outreach and social group for members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Williamsport, PA area, through monthly meetings, social events, and discussion sessions. The newsletter, Here’s How, was a way to keep group members up-to-date on news and events.
In this issue, Dan Maneval includes a letter sharing how HOW has impacted his life for the better.
Daniel Maneval was born in Williamsport, Pennsylvania on October 3, 1947. In this interview, Daniel speaks frankly about his experiences growing up as an only child, about the homophobic violence he has experienced, and the gay organizations he has lead and participated in throughout his life. He specifically speaks on his experiences with his parent’s death and the independence he was forced to cultivate as a result. He first became involved with Susquehanna Valley Gays United and was a founding member of Homophiles of Williamsport. He also was a critical component to leading a protest against Anita Bryant, and participated in several Rural Gay Caucuses. He was forced to move out of his family home after homophobic gang-related attacks on his property, and experienced gay-bashing outside a bar in Williamsport. Daniel reflects on the differences he sees in the Williamsport LGBT community today. This interview provides an in-depth history of gay life in Williamsport from the 1950s to today.