Pride '75 Mark Segal Conference Announcement - 1975
Letter announcing the 1975 Pennsylvania State Gay Conference, a statewide gay rights conference which was later known as Pride.
Letter announcing the 1975 Pennsylvania State Gay Conference, a statewide gay rights conference which was later known as Pride.
The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.
Letter from Sam Deetz, a member of the Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities and foudning memeber of Susquehanna Valley Gays United (SVGU), to SVGU informing them of the activies of the Governor's Council for Sexual Minotiries.
Letter from Sam Deetz to members of the Susquehanna Valley Gay Organization (SVGU) about Gay Lobby Day planning.
Program for the first Pennsylvania State Gay Conference, a statewide gay rights conference which was later known as Pride.
Founded in December of 1974, the Gay Coordinating Society of Berks County, Reading, PA (GCS Berks) was a LGBTQ+ activist organization in the Berks County area and a fundamental part of the Pennsylvania Rural Gay Caucus. The newsletter was a way to inform members and community members about LGBTQ+ issues.
Noteworthy in this issue:
Registration and schedule for the Bicentennial Conference on Gays and the Federal Government Conference in Washington D.C. on October 10-14, 1975.
Founded in December of 1974, the Gay Coordinating Society of Berks County, Reading, PA (GCS Berks) was a LGBTQ+ activist organization in the Berks County area and a fundamental part of the Pennsylvania Rural Gay Caucus. The newsletter was a way to inform members and community members about LGBTQ+ issues.
The Pennsylvania Rural Gay Caucus is an association of interested individuals and groups, formed with the objective of promulgating the concerns and freedoms of gay people and all sexual minorities. The report/newsletter was used as outreach to the Central PA LGBTQ community. In this report, the PA Rural Gay Caucus provides a calendar of upcoming events, topics discussed at the November meeting, and PA Senate Bills 196 and 743.
The Gay Era was a newspaper that reported news of interest from around the United States, with a specific focus on the news surrounding the gay community in Central PA, and provided a central forum for gay communities that were spread out across Central PA. Notable news in this issues: