"John and Mary's College" (Spahr Lectures Vol. 2)

"John and Mary's College" (Spahr Lectures Vol. 2)

Publisher: New York: Fleming H. Revell Company

Volume 2 of the Boyd Lee Spahr Lectures in Americana series includes essays from scholars that focus on various aspects of Dickinson College's history.

Table of Contents:

-- "Introduction" by Bruce Catton
-- "Forward" by William W. Edel
-- "'John and Mary's College" Over Susquehanna" by William W. Edel
-- "The Other Man on Bingham's Porch" by Whitfield J. Bell Jr.
-- "John Dickinson and the Federal Constitution" by James Miller Tunnell Jr.
-- "John Dickinson and the Quakers" by Frederick B. Tolles
-- "James Wilson and the Era of the American Revolution" by Charles Page Smith
-- "American Culture and the Migrations of the Revolutionary Era" by Brooke Hindle
-- "Senator Henry Moore Ridgely, of Delaware, Dickinson 1797" by John A. Munroe
-- "James Buchanan at Dickinson" by Philip Shriver Klein
-- "Truculent Thomas Cooper: Foe of Tyranny, Friend of Freedom" by Harold A. Larrabee
-- "Spencer F. Baird: World-Famous Naturalist" by Elmer Charles Herber
-- "Moncure Conway: Earthward Pilgrim" by Mary Elizabeth Burtis 

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