The Athletic Association elects a new president, but protests the lack of publicity regarding the elections, blaming Student Senate for the poor turnout. The Biology department, under the leadership of Elmer Herber and the Mohler Scientific Club, presents three films relating to the study of cancer but are interdisciplinary. At the faculty meeting it is decided that preliminary examinations will be done away with beginning immediately to lessen the work for both students and their professors. It is decided that there will be a beauty section in the 1932 Microcosm which will require each male on campus to vote for whichever coed he thinks deserves to win this beauty contest. The Glee Club announces their spring tour which will take them out of the state on several occasions. Professor Prettyman will be conducting interviews for various fellowships and scholarships for Dickinson graduates. Abram Bosler, prominent member of the Board of Trustees, commits suicide. He was a member of the class of 1905 but did not graduate. He became an influential Carlisle banker.
