Students successfully celebrated Vietnam Moratorium day. There is an extensive pictorial spread of the event and others like it. A forum was held to discuss the aftermath, effects, and opinions of the Moratorium on campus. There is a followup on the disbandment of the fraternity committee. Along with presidents from 75 other prestigious privet colleges, President Rubendall appealed to President Nixon for an updated timetable in Vietnam. SAE and ADE institute a colloquium program involving informal discussion with professors. An IBM facility complete with an IBM 1130 computer, a card reader, a line printer, and a card sorter, is open to students free of charge. Montgomery dorm offers senior privileges to its female residents with a 24-hr visitation policy; however it still has counselors and a housemother like underclassmen dorms. It is the centennial of the Dickinson football team and an extensive history on the program and early teams is given. The opening of Dickinson College's athletic Hall of Fame is also discussed and the first three inductees are announced. The Mermaid Players prepare their first performance of Richard III. ROTC offers classes for men in the program in Deny on leadership, military history, tactics, and other subjects to prepare them for service. Dickinson's Soccer team preforms extremely well in their 2-1 victory over E-town.