Letters from John Dickinson to Benjamin Rush

Letters from John Dickinson to Benjamin Rush

John Dickinson writes ten letters to Benjamin Rush on a number of different topics, including the administrative affairs of Dickinson College, the state of political affairs in the United States, political philosophy, and the death of Dickinson's

MC 2001.13
Time Period

Letter from John Dickinson to Caesar Rodney

Letter from John Dickinson to Caesar Rodney
May 21, 1779

Continental Congressman John Dickinson asks Caesar Rodney, President of Delaware, to convey a resolution to the Council of Assembly. The resolution dictates a state payment of forty-five hundred thousand dollars to the Continental Treasury.

MC 2001.13, B1, F2
Time Period

Letters from James Buchanan to Reah Frazer

Letters from James Buchanan to Reah Frazer

Senator James Buchanan writes five letters to Col Reah Frazer regarding a number of different political issues, including the 1840 Democratic National Convention, the 1840 and 1844 Presidential Elections, the Independent Treasury Bill, appointment

MC 1998.10
Time Period