Paul Ellsworth “Pappy” Hodge Plaque, 1972

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00100
Shelf 2

A gold plate plaque on wooden shield with inscription honoring “Pappy” Hodge for service to the college community: "In recognition of more than 50 years of dedicated service to the College Community, The General Alumni Association of Dickinson College bestows this award of commendation on Paul "Pappy" Ellsworth Hodge May 20, 1972."


TMI React-or Board Game, 1979

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00690
Shelf 2

A board game in which the objective is to lose radiation and perform a cold shut-down of a nuclear reactor. The game was created by Adam, Diane, and Edward Sandnes. The box features an illustration of the Three Mile Island nuclear plant. 


Dickinson Fund Award, 1970

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00293
Shelf 21 (housed with AC 00291-92, AC 00294-96)

A wavy oval-shaped metal strip attached to a square plastic base with the text engraved "UNITED STATES STEEL FOUNDATION DICKINSON COLLEGE FOR IMPROVEMENT ALUMNI GIVING INCENTIVE AWARD AMERICAN ALUMNI COUNCIL". In 1970 it was awarded to the college by the United States Steel Foundation.

"1773" Production T-shirt, 1973

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00030
Shelf 18 (housed with AC 00031, AC 00032)

A white cotton T-shirt with the cast of the 1973 faculty production of “1773” in orange, depicting the founding of Dickinson College. The text "Dickinson Bicentennial" is written underneath the image in orange. 


Inter-Fraternity Merit Scholarship Award Plaque, 1979-1980

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00651
Shelf 17 (housed with AC 00650)

A plaque with a wooden and gold trimmed frame awarded to Douglas Pauls for excellence in fraternity participation. "Inter-Fraternity Merit Scholarship Award for Excellence in Fraternity Participation Scholarship Achievement and Campus Involvement at Dickinson College" engraved on gold name plate at the top of the plaque with "Douglas Pauls 1979-1980" engraved on a golden name plate below. 

Dickinson College Service Recognition Plaque, 1976

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00123
Shelf 17 (housed with 00122, 00124)

A green and white paper award mounted on a  wooden plaque trimmed with gold featuring a service recognition award to Dickinson College from the Greater Carlisle Area Chamber of Commerce in 1976. "The Greater Carlisle Area Chamber of Commerce, In recognition of 203 years of service to the Greater Carlisle Community, Dickinson College, Presented at the Annual Dinner Meeting, April 28, 1976 by the Greater Carlisle Area Chamber of Commerce" in black lettering and signed by Robert L. Matalonis, president of the Greater Carlisle Area Chamber of Commerce.


Class of 1975 Beer Mug

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00254
Shelf 27 (housed with AC 00263 and AC 00264)

While ceramic beer mug with gold trim around the lip. Printed in red, one side features a school with the words "Alumni Weekend '00" and a mermaid. The other side has the college seal and "1975, 25 Years, 2000" printed around the seal.


West College plate

Artifact/Collection Number
AC 00253
Shelf 26

China plate with gilt trim, manufactured by Lenox. It features the college seal in gold at the top, and West College in black in the center. On the back, the plate notes the 200th anniversary of the college (1773-1973), with a date of September 1952. The plate appears to be the first issued of this special design, with a gold "1" appearing below the Lenox logo.