Dickinsonian, March 4, 1949

Annual Student Art Exhibit opens. Students debate joining the National Student Association. Milo Vondracek presented talk on current conditions in Poland and Czechoslovakia, showing images of damage sustained during World War II. Dickinson College Band to present first concert of the season at chapel, with sophomore Lois Price as soloist. Interfraternity Council Weekend to kick-off next week with series of dinners, to be followed by discussions. Essay contest to be held in conjunction with Founders' Day. 100% of "D" Club Dance profit given to Paralysis Fund.


Dickinsonian, February 17, 1950

Richard A. Campbell, Warren F. Coolidge, Janet C. Elder, Arthur C. Flandreau, William I. Mudd, Jr., Bruce R. Rehr, and Eleanor L. Uhland (all '50) are elected to join Phi Beta Kappa, the national honorary scholastic fraternity. Dean Russell I. Thompson announces the names of the students on the Dean's List; thirteen seniors, six juniors, seven sophomores, and five freshman attained the highest honor, with a GPA of 3.75 or above. Lois Price, Frank Fry, John Laudermilch, Ralph Masten, and Alvin Rojohn are selected to participate in the 1950 Pennsylvania All-State College Band festival.
