Co-captains Aletha Rizzi and Melanie Tratnik of the 1987 women's soccer team.
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The Women's Soccer Club in 1980.
Front Row (left to right): Kathy Kelly, Chad Atkinson, Sally Anderson, Ngaire Strack, Joe Ward
Second Row: Laura Dahl, Nancy Dalziel, Liz Magill, [unknown], Amy Blogett
Third Row: [unknown], Jeanne Abate, Tammy...
The women's soccer co-captains Dierdre James and Galen Howard in 1986.
The 1985 soccer coaches, Albert Masland (right) and John Collins (left).
The first varsity year for women's soccer.
First Row (left to right): Patricia Quinn, Melanie Tratnik, Kristen Milroth (co-captain), Kathy Hullfish (co-captain), Elizabeth Kennedy, Jean Frost.
Second Row: Al Masland, Marilyn Millane, Galen Howard, Chrissy Olson,...
The 1985 Women's Soccer team.
Front Row (left to right): Karen Ruocco, Ingrid Barclay, Maureen O'Connor, Maggie Huckans (co-captain), Dierdre Jones (co-captain), Julie Karish, Chrissy Olson, Aletha Rizzi.
Second Row: Trish Quinn, Galen Howard, Tina Barton, Melanie...
The 1986 Women's Soccer team.
First Row (left to right): Kim Johndrow, Maureen O'Connor, Galen Howard, Dierdre James, Jamie McNeil, Julie Karish.
Second Row: Tina Barton, Lynn DeRoze, Aletha Rizzi, Chrissy Olsen, Meryl Katz, Amy Shook, Jen Hulford, Kate Stark, Kim...
The 1987 Women's Soccer team.
First Row (left to right): Cheryl Huskins, Christine Smith, Kate Stark, Jennifer Hulford, Stacy Laudermilch, Carolyn Myers
Second Row: Amy Shook, Rachel Keen, Sarah Nickerson, Melanie Trutnik, Stephanie Bartlett, Merrie Leonard, Shana...
The 1988 Women's Soccer team takes a team photo with Coach Al Masland.
First Row (left to right): Kate Stark, Maureen O'Connor, Michellle Wiragh, Jen Hulford.
Second Row: Kendra Whiting, Theresa Stowski, Jessica Hyde, Merrie Leonard, Christine Smith,...
The 1991 Women's Soccer team with Coach Bob Lilley and Assistant Coach Mark Pulisic (far left).
The women's soccer team poses for a picture after playing a game.