Letter from Whitfield Bell Jr. to Brooks Kleber

Whitfield Bell Jr. writes Brooks Kleber to catch up and discuss a number of different subjects.
Whitfield Bell Jr. writes Brooks Kleber to catch up and discuss a number of different subjects.
Charles Stinson (Class of 1845) writes to his father about his trip to Carlisle and starting classes at Dickinson. After meeting with President John Durbin, Stinson notes that the "conclusion is...
Edwin Elliot Willoughby (Class of 1922) writes to Mrs.
Henry Dallam (Class of 1848) writes W. Boyd Williams and describes starting classes at Dickinson. This experience marks "the first time I have been away from home for any length of time," as Dallam notes.
Edward Wright Byrn delivers this reunion address in 1910 for the Class of 1870.
The Women's Center Monthly is produced by the Women's Center of Dickinson College. This issue defines feminism, discusses the purpose of a women's center, and includes a calendar of events.
The Women's Center Newsletter is produced by the Women's Center of Dickinson College, this short issue welcomes new students, calls for student feminists for a feminist support group on campus, and informs the student body to watch for ne
The Women's Center Newsletter is produced by the Women's Center of Dickinson College.
Selected highlights from this issue include:
The Women's Center Executive Committee welcomes students back to campus and asks anyone interested in joining the Board of Directors for the Women's Center to attend a meeting.
The Women's Center Executive Committee writes President Samuel A. Banks and reports on the activities of the Women's Center during the 1984-85 academic year.
A newsletter with announcements about upcoming events at the Women's Center, which include:
The Dickinson College Women’s Newsletter is produced by the Advisory and Planning Committee on Women's Programs.
Selected highlights from this issue include:
The Dickinson Women’s Newsletter is produced by the Advisory and Planning Committee on Women's Programs and provides details on upcoming events, including Dr.
The Dickinson College Women’s Newsletter is produced by the Advisory and Planning Committee on Women's Programs.
Selected highlights from this issue include:
The Dickinson Women’s Newsletter is produced by the Advisory and Planning Committee on Women's Programs.
Selected highlights from this issue include:
The Dickinson Women's Newsletter is produced by the Advisory and Planning Committee on Women's Programs.
Selected highlights from this issue include:
The Dickinson Women’s Newsletter is produced by the Advisory and Planning Committee on Women's Programs.
Selected highlights from this issue include:
The Hillel Council announces upcoming events in this flier, including the monthly Shabbat Dinner, a Latke Party, the council's general meeting, a cookie sale, and a bagel brunch.
The Hillel Council’s calendar of events for September and October 1989.
A program for Project Africa, an organization that provides vital experience living and working with African counterparts in an African nation.
The Women's Resource Center Newsletter is produced by the Women's Resource Committee of Dickinson College.
Selected highlights from this issue include:
The Women's Resource Center Newsletter is produced by the Women's Resource Committee of Dickinson College.
Selected highlights from this issue include:
The Women's Resource Center Newsletter is produced by the Women's Resource Committee of Dickinson College.
Selected highlights from this issue include:
The 1984 Annual Black Arts Festival is presented by Dickinson College's Congress of African Students.
The 1985 Annual Black Arts Festival is presented by Dickinson College's Congress of African Students.