A Pocketful of Rules, 1965-66

A Pocketful of Rules is produced by the Women’s Inter-Dormitory Council of Dickinson College. The guidebook contains a general summary of dormitory and campus procedures for female students.
A Pocketful of Rules is produced by the Women’s Inter-Dormitory Council of Dickinson College. The guidebook contains a general summary of dormitory and campus procedures for female students.
Albert Slape writes to James Munroe with news of the dismissal of four students on the charge of tarring Professor Henry Otis Tiffany's blackboard.
The Women's Resource Center Newsletter is produced by the Women's Resource Committee of Dickinson College.
Selected highlights from this issue include:
A program for a the Tony Award winning musical Ain’t Misbehavin’, which is performed in Mathers Theatre as part of the 1985 Black Arts Festival.
The 18th Annual Black Artists Festival program highlights the three artists - Willie Birch, Vincent Smith, and Gilberto Wilson - whose work is on display in the Emil R.
This brochure outlines the schedule for the Dickinson College's Congress of African Students' 19th Black Arts Festival. Events include a comedy show, a film festival, a production of the musical One Mo’ Time, and a Catholic mass.
This brochure outlines the schedule for Dickinson College's Congress of African Students' 1988 Black Arts Festival. Events include a production by the Philadelphia Dance Company, a martial arts exhibit, the Peking Opera, and a lecture by Dr.
The Philadelphia Dance Company presents Phiadanco as part of the 1988 Black Arts Festival. This program highlights the dancers and choreographers.
This notebook details the process of scheduling and planning the 1985 Black Arts Festival, including information on budget allocations, questions for lecturers, and the formulation of an advertising campaign.
The 1983 Annual Black Arts Festival is presented by Dickinson College's Congress of African Students.
The 1982 Annual Black Arts Festival is presented by Dickinson College's Congress of African Students. The program for this festival highlights its theme, "Expression in Black,” as the schedule includes lectures by Oliver LaGrone, Carl B.
This flier outlines the schedule for Dickinson College's Congress of African Students' "A Black Arts Festival." Events include lectures by Oliver LaGrone and Carl B. Stokes, a Sound Entertainment party, and poetry reading from Nikki Giovanni.
The 1981 Annual Black Arts Festival is presented by Dickinson College's Congress of African Students.
The 1980 Annual Black Arts Festival is presented by Dickinson College's Congress of African Students.
In this flier, the Congress of African Students announces the schedule for the 1981 Black Arts Festival. Events include the performance of the Chuck Davis Dance Company, a lecture from bio-chemist Dr.
The Black Arts Festival is presented by Dickinson College's Congress of African Students.
The 8th Annual Black Arts Festival is presented by Dickinson College's Congress of African Students.
The 10th Annual Black Arts Festival is presented by Dickinson College's Congress of African Students.
The 5th Annual Black Arts Festival is presented by Dickinson College's Congress of African Students.
This flier for Dickinson College's Congress of African Students' "A Black Arts Festival" announces the festival's schedule, which includes film screenings and a lecture by Jeffrey Holder.
The Women's Resource Center Newsletter is produced by the Women's Resource Committee of Dickinson College.
Selected highlights from this issue include:
The Women's Resource Center Newsletter is produced by the Women's Resource Committee of Dickinson College.
Selected highlights from this issue include: