Corrections Subcommittee Meeting Minutes - March 9, 1976

Number of Pages
March 9, 1976

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

Meeting Minutes from the Corrections Subcommittee of the Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities. 

Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Community [Affairs] Committee Goals - June 2, 1976

Number of Pages
June 2, 1976

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

This document is a draft of general, immediate, and long range goals of the Community [Affairs] Committee of the Governor's Council of Sexual Minorities.

General Subjects
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Community Affairs Committee Community Proposal - September 17, 1977

Number of Pages
September 17, 1977

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

This document was created by the Community Affairs Committee of the Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities to provide a procedure for handling complaints of discrimination of sexual minorities and examples of the Complaint Recording forms.

Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Bulletin - April 19, 1977

Number of Pages
April 19, 1977

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

This bulletin was created by Tony Silvestre to update Council and Committee members every few weeks on Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities actions.

Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Agenda and Minutes - July 7, 1980

Number of Pages
July 7, 1980

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

This was the agenda and minutes for the July 7, 1980 meeting. The meeting included:

  • update on the ruling of the PA Sodomy Law being unconstitutional
  • update on the progress on issues facing sexual minority populations and others in prison
  • a presentation on Sexual Harassment and the film "Under His Thumb"
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Agenda and Minutes - October 31, 1978

Number of Pages
October 31, 1978

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

This was the agenda and minutes for the October 31, 1978 meeting. The meeting included:

  • announcements
  • the revision of the executive order that established the Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities
  • an update on the Alcoholism Committee
  • a copy of the revision of Governor Shapp's Executive order
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Agenda and Minutes - September 1978

Number of Pages
September 1978

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

This was the agenda and minutes for a September 1978 meeting. The meeting included:

  • announcements
  • an update on the Gay State-wide Support Network
  • updates on Affirmative Action training
  • training in the State Police Academy on sexual minorities issues
  • disucssion about the Prison Rape Project
  • discussion on how the council can support education on Gay Alcoholism
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Agenda and Minutes - May 27, 1976

Number of Pages
May 27, 1976

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

This was the agenda and minutes from the May 27, 1976 meeting. The opening of the meeting contained a program on Transsexuality, and was followed by Committee Reports and discussion.

Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Agenda - April 23, 1980

Number of Pages
April 23, 1980

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

This agenda was for the April 23, 1980 meeting.

General Subjects
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Agenda - September 11, 1978

Number of Pages
September 11, 1978

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

This agenda was for the September 11, 1978 meeting.

General Subjects
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities Meeting Agenda - September 17, 1976

Number of Pages
September 17, 1976

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

This agenda was for the September 17, 1976 meeting.

General Subjects
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Annual Report of the Advisory Committee on the Rights and Health Concerns of Sexual Minorites - February 28, 1977

Number of Pages
February 28, 1977

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

This report gives a summary of the purpose and goals of the Advisory Committee on the Rights and Health Concerns of Sexual Minorities.

General Subjects
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Recommendations of the AD HOC Committee - May 20, 1976

Number of Pages
May 20, 1976

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government.

In this document, a Task Force for Special Minority Concerns is recommendied for creation within the Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities.

General Subjects
Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Accomplishments of the Pennsylvania Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities - circa 1979

Number of Pages
circa 1979

The Pennsylvania Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The proposed council was his instrument guaranteeing the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government. This documents lists some accomplishments of the Governor's Council for Sexual Minorities.

Time Period
Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

LGBT History Project: LGBT-087 Curtis Royer Collection

Number of Pages
circa 2018
This collection contains materials on Jess King, a gay-friendly candidate for the US Congress in Pennsylvania 11th District during the 2018 Congressional Election.
General Subjects
Time Period
Gift of Curtis Royer
LGBT-087 Curtis Royer Collection

LGBT History Project: LGBT-078 York City Anti-Discrimination Ordinance Collection

Number of Pages

This collection contains citizen correspondence requesting that the inclusion of “sexual orientation” in the City of York’s non-discrimination ordinance be put on the ballot for a public referendum. The correspondence dates from February 1993 and is composed in large part of form letters. The City of York passed an anti-discrimination ordinance protecting sexual orientation in 1998.

General Subjects
Time Period
Gift of Barry Loveland
LGBT-078 York City Anti-Discrimination Ordinance

LGBT History Project: LGBT-072 Anonymous Collection

Number of Pages

This collection contains the Presidential Proclamation for Pride Month 2011 by Barack Obama.

Time Period
Gift from Anonymous
LGBT-072 Anonymous Collection

LGBT History Project: LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

Number of Pages
1968 - 2015; Bulk Dates 1970 - 1980

Joseph W. Burns started to donate these materials in 2013 as the first contribution of historical documents to the LGBT Center of Central PA History Project. These materials reflect his involvement in, and document, LGBTQ+ activism in Central PA.

This collection contains materials from 1968 – 2015, but the bulk of the materials focus on LGBTQ+ activism from 1970 – 1980. There are 14 Series which highlight LGBTQ+ activist organizations, legislation, publications, photographs, personal/miscellaneous items, media, and artifacts, as well as Subject Files regarding people, organizations, or issues related to LGBTQ+ activism. Materials include documents, photos, a cassette tape, and multiple artifacts.

Gift of Joseph W. Burns
LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection

LGBT History Project: LGBT-063 PA State Archives Transfer Collection

Number of Pages
circa 1976

This collection contains an embosser for the PA Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorities. The council was an officially appointed advisory committee created by Governor Milton J. Shapp in 1976. Governor Shapp, by executive order, declared that all executive branch offices and services were to end discriminatory practices and policies against all LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and program of state services. The council was his instrument for the implementation of his decree throughout the Executive Branch of state government. Council committees consisted of knowledgeable LGBTQ+ activists appointed by Governor Shapp to work side-by-side with official state employees to monitor and rewrite government regulations and practices to reflect the executive order.

Time Period
Gift of PA States Archives
LGBT-063 PA State Archives Transfer Collection

LGBT History Project: LGBT-011 Sam Deetz Collection

Number of Pages
1975 - 2010

Samuel Deetz was born in Quakertown, PA on April 21, 1951 and was one of eight children. His father was a minister, so his family moved from place to place throughout his childhood, until they came back to Central PA where Deetz finished high school. While living at home after high school, Deetz started working as an accountant, which led him to continue a career in accounting.

Deetz became active in the LGBTQ+ community in his mid-twenties in the 1970s. He, with help from Mark Seagal, founded the Susquehanna Valley Gays United (SVGU) in the summer of 1975. He was a member of the PA Rural Gay Caucus from its inception in 1975 until 1978, where he was co-chair for the first Gay Lobby (Education) Day in March 1976 and became the convener of the Legislative Committee. He was invited to become a member of the PA Governor’s Council for Sexual Minorites in 1976, where he became a facilitator between the Rural Gay Caucus and the Council, as well as the Council and the PA State Police Department. He also was treasurer for the Pennsylvania for Social Justice Political Action Committee (PAC) from 1982 to 1985.

Deetz passed away in 2019.

This collection highlights Deetz’s activism in various LGBTQ+ groups in Central PA. Deetz was an accountant by trade which enabled him to hold treasurer positions in most of the organizations highlighted in this collection.

Gift of Sam Deetz
LGBT-011 Sam Deetz Collection

LGBT Oral History 041: Steve Glassman

Number of Pages
January 4, 2018

Steve Glassman was born on September 20, 1954 in Chicago. He was fortunate enough to grow up in a rather liberal household with accepting parents who were involved in political activism and social justice during the Civil Rights era. Glassman’s story is unique in that he utilized his privilege in both his upbringing and education to further the activism that his parent’s passed down to him. Glassman graduated from Brown University with a BA in Art History and Architecture and moved on to then receive his MA in Museum Curatorial Work from Yale University. In this interview, Glassman describes what it is like as a person of the LGBT community to work for a living while simultaneously dedicating their life to LGBT rights and the rights of other marginalized communities. He has owned his own architectural firm while successfully balancing governmental positions and organizational positions.

Time Period
Gift of Steve Glassman
LGBT Oral History - Glassman, Steve - 041

LGBT Oral History 125: Kerry Wiessman

Number of Pages
April 25, 2017

Kerry Wiessman was born on October 26, 1954 in Glen Ridge, New Jersey. She grew up in Wayne, New Jersey in a lake community. Kerry discusses her upbringing in a large family and her relationship with her mother. Kerry also discusses her career in education and in helping children. With her long-term partner, Beth, Kerry adopted two daughters (Hana and Gabrielle) from China. They were one of the last lesbian couples to adopt out of China. Kerry founded or helped found several LGBT organizations, including the Center LGBTQA Support Network and the Gay Affirming Interfaith Network. Kerry also organizes “Drag Bingo” fundraiser event for the State College High School and her identification as a Quaker. Kerry speaks to her experience in a litigation regarding homosexual couples where the ACLU picked up their case and won the suit, eventually changing numerous policies regarding unmarried couples and insurance. Finally, Kerry discusses her fears regarding the current political climate as well as the Trump presidency.

Time Period
Gift of Kerry Wiessman
LGBT Oral History - Wiessman, Kerry - 125

LGBT Oral History 100: Patricia ''Pat'' Saunders

Number of Pages
March 5, 2017

Patricia ''Pat'' Mastandrea Sanders was a hair stylist in Boston before moving up to advertising and marketing for 300 salons across the country. One fateful day she slipped on an ice cube and hit her head. Her life changed forever. Unable to work due to memory loss, Pat decided to give her time to various AIDS/HIV advocacy groups in the Lancaster County area. Pat worked with the Lancaster AIDS Project, Betty Finney House, and American Red Cross Foundation’s yearly Oscar Party. She hand wrote hundreds of letters each year to celebrities requesting donated materials and the response she got was incredible. Pat also discusses LGBTQ in the Age of the Trump/Pence presidency.

Time Period
Gift of Patricia ''Pat'' Saunders
LGBT Oral History - Saunders, Patricia ''Pat'' - 100

LGBT Oral History 103: Mark Segal

Number of Pages
July 20, 2016

Mark Segal is a gay rights activist, author, and journalist for the Philadelphia Gay News. In this interview, Mark discusses his political involvement in the gay rights movement in Pennsylvania in the ‘60s and ‘70s. Particularly, he focuses heavily on his work with Governor Milton Shapp, the first United States governor to publicly support the LGBT community. While discussing his life as a gay rights activist, Mark recounts many personal stories and memories such as disrupting popular television talk shows, working alongside Walter Cronkite, and signing up to become a Pennsylvania state trooper as an act of political resistance. Throughout, Mark stresses the important but often understated role Pennsylvania played in advancing civil rights for the LGBT community, while emphasizing that his state still has a long way to go.

Time Period
Gift of Mark Segal
LGBT Oral History - Segal, Mark - 103

LGBT Oral History 118: Ann Van Dyke

Number of Pages
July 29, 2014

Ann Van Dyke was born in a farming community in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, where she was raised in a devout Methodist home. After moving to Mechanicsburg to work at the Methodist Home for Children at age 19, Ann was exposed to the more diverse Harrisburg community that challenged the ideals of her upbringing. She went on to study at the Middletown campus of Pennsylvania State University and then moved to Harrisburg to work for the State Human Relations Commission. In this work, Ann offered trainings about hate crimes and organized hate groups, collaborating with several major organizations such as the Community Responders Network and Equality PA as well as with the U.S. Department of Justice until her retirement in 2012. In this interview, Ann discusses her experience identifying and challenging her homophobic beliefs that were engrained during her childhood. Ann describes how she began to identity as a straight ally when several of her close friends, family members, and, eventually, foster son came out as gay. She also describes the legislative difficulties the Commission faced in preventing LGBT hate crimes, especially when sexual orientation and gender identity were added to the state’s list of protected classes, but then were later repealed.

Video footage of this interview is unavailable at this time. Please contact for more information.

Time Period
Gift of Ann Van Dyke
LGBT Oral History - Van Dyke, Ann - 118